allah is a huge fakkit
When you look at life expectancy, there are problems in the black race: Sickle-cell anemia is something that comes up, diabetes is something that’s prevalent in the genetic makeup and you just can’t help it,” Marble said. “Although I’ve got to say, I’ve never had better BBQ and better chicken and ate better in my life than when you go down south and you — I love it.”
Marble went on to mention how Mexicans eat vegetables in Mexico but stop eating healthily when they immigrate to the United States.
“These things aren’t good for you,” she continued. “There’s so many attributing factors as to why these graphs look the way they do.”
I don't mess with fried ish but I'll take the crab cakes with everything else you listed......
I don't see anything racist here...its not really different from Michelle Obama's healthy stance. If you eat like crap health issues and obesity makes you lose motivation for any other success in life. Dealing with diabetes can't be good for building a successful career or focusing on your studies and parents dying early is definitely not good for the children that are left behind
fukk politics people are idiots who just get fed their side of the bullshyt side does it too look deeper at all stories and don't accept what is just said by your favorite pundit
I wouldn't give a shyt lol I would laugh my ass off. All fat people are fat cuz of sugar and high calorie intakeThere is a big difference between Michelle Obama saying "Children should exercise" and this cac saying "Black people are obese because of fried chicken". If Michelle Obama said that white people were obese because they consume too much mayonnaise, you and your redstate, theblaze, breitbart, and freerepublic goons would be having a conniption.
I honestly find this fried chicken/watermelon/black people stereotype one of the most bizarre things I've ever encountered in my life. It's just ridiculous throughout.
Have you ever sat there and spent time thinking about it? All the implications of it? It's so bizarre.
It's just southern food so when black people migrated north for factory jobs etc. a lot of what became 'black' stereotypes (language, food, etc.) was actually southern characteristics