cacs are mad but cacs are gonna cac
you already know
cacs are mad but cacs are gonna cac
breh, id have voted for powell.
Bush and Cheney used Colin's creditibility to sell the lie that is Iraq. I believe him 100%, they lied to him and used him. I'm still upset his legacy is tarnised by their lies. I'm glad he came to his senses in 08 and is still supporting Obama now. We know the truth Colin, don't worry, you are still a Legend. They used you and I'm glad you had the balls unlike them to say it was wrong and there were no weapons of mass destruction.
Powell is not without blame here though. He didn't have to go to the UN with that WMD presentation he KNEW was bullshyt. He could've refused or resigned. "I was just following orders" isn't always a valid excuse.
Powell is a military man, he was following orders. Resigning would of caused a huge controversy and Bush and Cheney told him they were really weapons there. I'm not giving him a pass, he should of said no but he was following orders. But I'm happy again unlike Bush and Cheney he had the balls to admit to the American People they lied, they were wrong, there were no weapons.