Just saw Little Women. Very faithful adaptation of the novel that does justice to the charm of the characters. Everything the reader loves about the March family and their neighbors is on full display throughout. Amy's actress in particular nailed her sarcastic wit and brattish nature without making her appear as dislikable as the novel does at times, like when she burns Jo's book. Instead came across as very funny and sympathetic. The same with their aunt who is immediately a comedic figure rather than an irritating source of negativity, though she does soften down the line.
I think every important scene of the book was put in the film. Not remembering anything crucial that was missing. Was glad to see the performances match my imagination of how they would look if in live action, in many cases surpassing my own enjoyment from reading. It was much easier to trace Amy's attraction to Laurie and accept their marriage than in the book where it's a shocking development after all the focus on Laurie/Jo. Also easier to accept Jo and the professor when he's foreshadowed very early in the film, and doesn't look as old as I remember the book describing him as.
the story isn't linear and there is no narration to guide and provide exposition. so it's not that accessible if you don't recognize the dialogue and settings, though there are clues that can help recognize when time has passed (like Jo's hair). Seems directly intended for people that have a general idea of the story in mind and just want to see it all brought to life. They did a great job with that.