Wow....this was AWFUL.
Where do I begin? Paulie fukking up the money to the point you have to go back to your old place in Philly, and he's still in your corner? Speaking of going back, this movie regresses on multiple fronts. Looks like Drago's punching power mattered because he knocked Rocky stupid again. Honestly, he's even dumber than he was in the first movie with none of the charm. Brought back the hat, the jacket, and the ball because eeeey, too stupid to get a real job right? Adrian's back at the pet store because all she needed to do way lay up with Rocky to maintain a lifestyle. Back to the old boxing gym, and they even dug up Mickey's corpse for a scene.
Don Prince would've been funnier if they didn't do an "only in America" reference three fukking times. His son aged 5 years in the span of one plane ride, tries to follow in his retarded father's footsteps only to be pushed aside by
Kurt Angle Tommy Gunn, who I'm not sure why they bothered to give a backstory for because we'll probably never see him again. Anybody could see him deflecting to Duke since Rocky can't even support his own family. Got no respect from a bullshyt fight and got his ass whooped by a braindead Rocky. Oh yeah, Rocky being in 4 movies and only putting his hands up in one fight between them finally caught up to him so he can never offically enter a ring again...but that doesn't mean he can't get in a bare knuckle street fight in the end, right?
Terrible movie.