Despite this review planting a seed (and my general aversion to Refn's films) before viewing, it was spot on -
The most glaring proof of The Neon Demon’s failure is how stultifying it is. Although Only God Forgives’ risible attempt at elevating its sordid narrative through Freudian concepts already demonstrated Winding Refn’s severe intellectual limitations as an artist, Drive did amply prove his potential directorial prowess. The perfectly executed set-pieces that rendered that film such an exhilarating ride are sorely missing here. Instead, The Neon Demon consists of scenes involving minimal camera movement and impassive characters drifting through immaculate compositions that lose all their appeal within the first ten minutes. Thereafter, the viewer is left to stare at a ponderous and incoherently stitched-together succession of vapid images for what feels like an eternity until the carnage starts.
I nearly ended up walking out halfway through because I started to get a stiff face from cringing at the smart-dumbness of it all. I don't think I'll ever force myself to watch another film of his. He's basically LvT without the
genuine cac highfalutin, intellect, introspection, humor, style, originality, ability to paint the human condition and talent.
