didnt really like this movie when it first came out, but seeing it now as a much older person

it has this Alfred H tone to it, You look at samuel l jackson in this flick and you see him in his sweater vests and khakis nervously walking down the halls filled with bangers and you dont really think hes the type or even capable of dishing out vigilante justice. I guess in the end the easiest way to sum it up is how you make your life to be, at the start of the film before he gets stabbed there was no color at all afterward, everything seems to have this post apocalyptic horror movie look to it, and LA doesnt really look like that depending on where your coming from, but its in the eye of the beholder. On the movie poster they talk about casualties, Mr. G at the start becomes a casualty and lives, yet he doesnt know how to take it. So Instead of finding a new profession or what have you, He decides to power on through, but does he really have the strength to endure this harsh enviroment he puts himself through? mentally and physically? At the end he realizes that were all dead men, we can die at any time, but what he may have missed was the fact that we get to choose how we meet that end. He makes alot of mistakes and handles alot of situations both social and how he deals out justice the wrong way, he could become a better liar like how he became a killer, When homeboy stole his watch and he broke into his locker to get it back he could have left it at that but instead he waves it infront of that esse's face like a flag of war, he keeps the evidence in a drawer in his house, when he could have dumped that in the ocean or for the hell of it just dump it anywhere and nobody would care, its like hes waiting to be found out so he can face the harsh truth of his actions.
Me personally call me a psycho but If I were him I would work on making better social skills and learn to play it cool, like man on fire "Forgiveness is between them and god, Im just here to arrange the meeting" were any of his victims really worth crying over? A student who shoots another kid in the face 5 times without remorse for writing over his tag, and this other scumbag who beats his mother, and freeloads off her so he can go out get drunk and buy or sell more drugs?