The faces of the 3 little boys on the front says it all. Two of the little boys are just staring off into space and the third little boy is just staring at Sosa. They are all probably thinking WTF?!?!?!?!
Sosa trying to play light daddy now?
Jesus Christ, what the hell !!
He would've aged much better if he had stayed Black.
ALmost wish we had a clear shot of her entire face so we could make a new smileyThe thirdgirl in the back lookin likedaughter
1. I never said anything about your complexion. Or How U look.Black Americans tend to be the ones that are ultra sensitive about anything said about them and interpret everything as "racist" but it's E-Haitians' sensitivity you take issues with???
And no I'm not light skinned, by the way, but often get told i don't "look Haitian" do it's obviously not a dark skin vs light skinned thing. Again, the same people that be quick to call everything racist be the same ones making these racist remarks
I hear ya. But neighboring countries aren't always friends.1. I never said anything about your complexion. Or How U look.
I basically said, the dominican kids in the pic look Haitian.
Then i brought up, outside of language, the only difference between haiti and DR, Is that D.R has more mulattos.
yet, ive came across aloooot of Haitian mulattos "who look Dominican"..
hence, i dont get the hatred Dominicans have for Haitians when they share the same island as yall, make similar music, similar foods, culture mirrors each other,and their ppl look the same as yall.
That was the point of my post. That's why i said those kids look Haitian.
All the other personal stuff, ain't got nothing to do with me.
Casper Sosa look like that Island of Dr Moreau nikka