Why? I heard plenty of females say this sort of thing.
Doesn't mean that it's ban worthy.
it's her opinion . I do feel bad for short brehs though, women really do think that they should be wiped off the face of this planet
Certain opinions should be kept in your brain or you deserved to be ridiculed out of society for them
that's like saying Isis telling people to kill others in the name of extremism it's inciting murder/death for something out of their control... if someone is mentally fragile like that they will commit dat... if this c*nt got her wishes the world would be a very lame place. The best comedians actors and artists are under 6 ft and then everyone who's 6ft would be the midgets of society 6ft 2 would be short and 6'4 the new 5'11 and 6'6 average height
everything evens itself out that's why any woman who feels this way is legit retarded had daddy issues and will die alone and miserable
telling someone they shouldn't live isn't the same as dissing them
it's very ban worthy also she's a femcel cac
alot of these same females will complain that women shouldn't hit men... and if they're not hiding these comments on message boards will clown a the wrong short dude for looking like a child being an inch shorter but 100lbs heavier and end up in a hospital bed because his napoleon complex got the better of him
... and i'm certainly not condoning violence against women over being teased i'm just saying there's hot heads who got something to prove