Raskin was on Lawrence last night describing what Dems are doing now as pre-impeachment prep. This should be the Dems message. The constantly telling us how awful and unlawful he is (he's covering up crimes, he wont step down if he loses etc) but then to only come out and say, he's not worth impeachment or they are there yet is demoralizing to their base. Just do the work and stfu. If someone asks, just say we are in the pre-impeachment stage and we are gathering evidence to see how strong the case is or something along those lines because the comments they are currently making about their views on impeachment are infuriating.
I am for impeachment, flat out, just so you and everyone else knows, and it doesn't seem like I'm making excuses for what Dem leadership is doing in regards to messaging, but hear me out....
We are in the camp of "impeach the mother fukker now!!!", no matter what happens, or how long they delay, or even if they don't choose to impeach, you are not going to change our minds, if they come out tomorrow with it, next month, or next year, right? Of course, so they don't have to convince us, nope.
Now you might have some center leaning cowards, morons, and a$$holes, that claim to be Dems, but are really opportunists. They "dislike" Trump's rhetoric, the racism leaves "a bad taste" in their mouths, they are pro-choice, but Colin Kaep is a "punk", etc...(you get the idea of who we are talking about here). These folks are Dem leaderships bread and butter. They aren't writing angry letters, or making angry phone calls, but instead are helping them campaign, and donating money to their campaigns, and getting on the news to tell us how great Dem leadership is. These people are the ones that know Trump is awful, but their personally doing really well financially, and know impeachment can throw everything into chaos, and they are not comfortable with the chaos that impeachment could bring. These are the people that Nancy and them need to convince that impeachment in the house is necessary. They are hoping that the slow burn will make his misdeeds so obvious that impeachment is needed.
I think that Dem leadership are making terrible missteps, and ignoring the groundswell of grass roots support that propelled them into a majority in the house, and if you fukk with momentum, you better have the correct calculations, but ALSO, we really don't have a choice but to support what they are currently doing, and hope that we are wrong, and they are playing this perfectly. Only time will tell.