LOL, this whole thing is awesome! There are so many people still fighting this report, and I am already thinking about what the state crimes are gonna do to this fukkface and his group of grifters. If people really are hung up on the collusion thing, all the power to them, although it’s pretty clear to me obstruction played out for the world to see, we will see what congress says once they get the report. Anybody that is scared shytless like cowards that Trump and his base are gonna take a “victory lap”, lolololololol, do you really love your everyday life scared? How? Trump is honestly the most careless and least inclined to follow laws if he feels exonerated, so we will most definitely just keep piling crimes on. His only real power to hurt us is through the judges, which he is doing max damage with, so I obviously want him to suffer immensely, in every single way possible. If we can’t get him on crimes, I hope someone [REDACTED]