Cody really should be a heel and inverse of Dusty in the 80s. He should be using his life as "Dusty's Kid" as something to use as a point of privilege, he's never had hard times, etc. You can't tell me when you see him always in expensive suits just burying his own talent on the reg that he doesn't come off as the opposite as at least what the idea of what Dusty was. Not that Dusty didn't do that himself, and I'm pretty sure the original incarnation of the American Dream gimmick was actually a heel gimmick flaunting his wealth to the Florida fans. I think Cody is at a point where it would make a lot of sense and be the best for his character and performances to do that with a smark twist of HEY I'M DUSTY'S KID stuff. But they probably should wait until they're back around real crowds. Cody is better as a heel in general, but the last time around in his ROH/NJPW runs it still kind of felt like he was playing the part of a heel wrestler. I think he's gained enough experience out of the WWE system and of himself to be able to nail the American Nightmare as the inverse of American Dream gimmick at this stage in his career. Especially in his own company.