watch him on TV and in interviews. and i didn't say conflicted, I said cloaked.Can you be more specific? Which "extreme" liberal social ideas did he support, and where, if anywhere, did he contradict himself by saying conservative things that conflicted with those extreme liberal positions?
Think about all the positions ...... Gay shyt, other liberal shyt. Full Blame on GOP for gov shutdown, Full defense of ACA.
Then think about all the social responsibility crap he spits. Travvon asked for the bullet, etc. It's the football players fault for his own babies death, etc. Marginalizing minority groups in the nation with grand generalizations about mentality and responsibility. Stop wearing baggy pants and having babies and BAM you just fixed institutionalized racism, prison industrial, drug wars, 600 year history, and challenges of moving up in economic classes in mass - all fixed.... don't wear hoods and racist wont shoot u.
There isn't one extra liberal idea out there he's not backing.... but then he spits the misguided ideas about issues with urban communities and about how to fix social economic situations???? He is Pro- increasing gay male population in black communities and But then speak about how 'pro thug' culture destroys black families????????????????? I'm not even against all his views, but he only goes hard at the wrong shtit.