This is how you know they have no clue what they're doing. They are pulling up any and every agency and just firing people (without knowing what they do) because the more money they free up the more they have to play with. And dumbass maga conservatives are still running with the narrative that this is all being done under the guise of "eFFiCiEnCy."
I can't imagine the branch chiefs and division managers who spent months interviewing and hiring people, in some cases then training them, hours of work to find the right people, then months of them producing and getting their feet on the ground. Then these bozos come through and start firing everyone, undoing all the work that was done. Back to square one, skeleton crew, overworked staff, work taking days to get to people's desk for reviews, etc. etc.
and these brain rotted maga's talking about "this money that is being found by DOGE will be returned to the taxpayer"