Cleveland Officer KILLS 12 Year Old Black Boy Armed With BB Gun *UPDATE 3* SHOOTING VIDEO RELEASED!!


May 2, 2012
The cop thought it was a real gun. It looked like a real gun. And a BB gun has the word GUN in it. So what's the issue? The child should not have had it. Now he lost his life which is terribly sad. White people aren't gonna give U a chance to prove you aren't doing something wrong. This is why it's so foolish in the first place to let a child have a weapon like object and one that looked real. What is a parent promoting when they give a child a BB gun? Why let them play with an object like that? BB guns have been known to cause serious damage. And why was it at the rec center? U guys have to realize that these cops will shoot you if you reach for something when they instruct you to put your hands up.

so even after the crawford execution, y'all STILL gullible enough to believe their bullshyt stories. i'll ask you the same question i asked in the crawford thread. why would someone reach for a gun they know is fake? what, going to shoot the cops with fake bullets? :what:
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African American Queen
Jul 16, 2013
Locker room

Like shyt is a cartoon. Real guns have the word GUN written on them big enough and in bold so the cops can know it's real? you buggin the fukk out

The kis may have been wrong in pulling the fake thing out of his waist but that doesn't justify the cop's actions. Being aware of your surroundings is par for the course and showing up to a place where kids are playing with toys seems like an obvious time to exercise mental checks. Secondly, the kid didn't point the gun at him or anyone else did he?
nikka what the world are you saying?

I didn't say it justified his actions. Im explaining how cops act. We all know that a cop will shoot a black person with a quickness. So u know they will shoot if they think you are gonna pull a gun on them.

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
I'm honestly disgusted by some of the posts in here.

This thread turned into a c00n coming out party.

Nah you dudes are impossible to talk to. Its cool to disagree but it seems you can't say shyt sometimes to the contrary unless you're ready to be negged or called a c00n. I understand if someone is trolling or just being purposely bullheaded but I think a lot of folks here are rationally disagreeing with the notion that this was 100% unwarranted and without cause.

Based on what we know, he was asked to put his hands up, (source: but instead of putting his hands up he reached for the gun. In addition, the tab to make it appears as a fake gun was removed and it seems that they were using the fact it looks real without the tab to freak other people out according to the caller. You can't do that shyt. Period. Sorry.

"There's a guy in there with a pistol, you know, it's probably fake, but he's like pointing it at everybody," the caller said, according to audio provided by CNN affiliate WEWS.

"He's sitting on a swing right now, but he's pulling it in and out of his pants and pointing it at people," the caller said. "He's probably a juvenile, you know?"

Again, if someone points this shyt at me, I'm not going to be talking to them calmly. My first reaction, and smart reaction, is to protect myself. The caller did say it was probably fake but again it comes back to being asked to put your hands up, your kid should know to just follow the directive. Why wasn't a kid of this age taught this by this time? Secondly, a caller's assumption isn't enough to stake your life on in my opinion. I don't care what the race is of anyone involved. You remove race from the equation and I would think the same damn thing.


Citi Trends

aka milobased
Nov 9, 2014
[QUOTE="Paul Von Oberstein, post: 11061165, member: 5325"

Again, if someone points this shyt at me[/QUOTE]
its like talking to jello

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
its like talking to jello
nah breh, I've read your posts and hear what you're saying. I just disagree with you 100%. Period.

When your life is at stake, you can feel free to play the "maybe" "but" "probably" "lets discuss" game. I personally wouldn't.

You Win Perfect

bow down
Jan 31, 2013
i even blame the man who called the police in the first place. he knew good and well that child had a toy :comeon:

He's pointing it at everybody and scaring people yet no one is yelling or screaming for help and dialing 911....ok mr. 911 caller.
im sure he saw the kid shooting it at stuff too. Why else would you think it was a toy?
Additionally a gun that big and heavy a little kid would not be able to wave it around like some light plastic toy. looks like a 1911 which would be all steel frame if it were real.
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Dzali OG

Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
Look, a cop is a professional. He should not be in fear that he'll lose a shoot out to a clear child.

Some things need to be tightened up in this story:

How were other people reacting? Were they behaving afrsid...or were they SWINGING ON THE SWING WITH a suspected terrorist?

How did the police approach the suspect? Did they approach in a tactical manner like they were approaching an armed suspect or did they approach as if they were approaching a child ON THE SWINGS.

Has there been a history of preteens shooting people in the area? Is there a heavy gang presence where preteens are recruited and used as shooters as say in.....maybe the CONGO!


All Star
Jan 15, 2014
This child was 12... Not in Africa so he can't be a child soldier...

This happened when American is hot on killing black folk....

What happened to the taser...

Wtf was the veteran cop doing...

A grown man can not diffuse a situation dealing with a child and "handgun" on park swings....

But hey, he was pointing it at people....:beli:

A lot of you cats need to die quick

Did the 12 year old deserve to die? No, but the responding officer didn't deserve to die that day either.

Unfortunately for the kid, he made a series of bad decisions that eventually forced a police officer to make a split-second decision whether to risk dying or use deadly force himself. The consequences were tragic, but foreseeable. I wish it hadn't happened. I'm sure the police officer wished it hadn't happened. But it did, and the kid is primarily responsible himself for ending up dead.

I don't even care if it's modified or not, orange cap or not if someone starts waving one those things at me I'm not waiting to fire to find out if it's real gun someone put a fake orange cap on. It's inevitable that is going to happen at some point.

Frankly these "toys" should be banned or at the very least have the exact same laws applied as real guns. This isn't the first person to be shot that had one and it won't be the last. You cannot blame the police for their actions. It's impossible to distinguish them from a real gun even with the orange cap.

When the cop says freeze and drop the gun, if you point the gun, (fake or not) in the cops direction, you are likely to get killed. Sometimes bad decisions can be hazardous to your health.

A single bullet can take a life coming from a gun being held by a 12 year old or an 82 year old. That's why the number one rule of firearms is never point it at something you aren't prepared to shoot.


The Coli's dirty Afro-Mexicano
Sep 8, 2013
California (Live in GA)
Did the 12 year old deserve to die? No, but the responding officer didn't deserve to die that day either.

Unfortunately for the kid, he made a series of bad decisions that eventually forced a police officer to make a split-second decision whether to risk dying or use deadly force himself. The consequences were tragic, but foreseeable. I wish it hadn't happened. I'm sure the police officer wished it hadn't happened. But it did, and the kid is primarily responsible himself for ending up dead.

I don't even care if it's modified or not, orange cap or not if someone starts waving one those things at me I'm not waiting to fire to find out if it's real gun someone put a fake orange cap on. It's inevitable that is going to happen at some point.

Frankly these "toys" should be banned or at the very least have the exact same laws applied as real guns. This isn't the first person to be shot that had one and it won't be the last. You cannot blame the police for their actions. It's impossible to distinguish them from a real gun even with the orange cap.

When the cop says freeze and drop the gun, if you point the gun, (fake or not) in the cops direction, you are likely to get killed. Sometimes bad decisions can be hazardous to your health.

A single bullet can take a life coming from a gun being held by a 12 year old or an 82 year old. That's why the number one rule of firearms is never point it at something you aren't prepared to shoot.

I totally agree. If anything that would make me scratch my head is if the officer would have dumped the clip in the boy, 16 shots and all. But no, he didn't. He popped two rounds off and that was it. It leads me to believe that the cop did'nt shoot for discrimination, but out of self defense. It's a tragic event. The boy shouldn't have had the gun and brandishing in public like he did. Safety orange cap removed and all. That boy did'nt deserve to die, neither did the cop. But the boy could have prevented all this by not being stupid with it - and the parents could have kept better tabs on their child.

I'm a father of 4 - believe me, I do the best I can to monitor them and what they do. I teach them all about mannerisma and how to act in public. My kids aint even allowed to use their hands as guns. The closet thing they have real life guns, are the nerf guns and arrows - that's it.


God forgives, you are forgiven.
Aug 19, 2014
Bay area
Did the 12 year old deserve to die? No, but the responding officer didn't deserve to die that day either.

Unfortunately for the kid, he made a series of bad decisions that eventually forced a police officer to make a split-second decision whether to risk dying or use deadly force himself. The consequences were tragic, but foreseeable. I wish it hadn't happened. I'm sure the police officer wished it hadn't happened. But it did, and the kid is primarily responsible himself for ending up dead.

I don't even care if it's modified or not, orange cap or not if someone starts waving one those things at me I'm not waiting to fire to find out if it's real gun someone put a fake orange cap on. It's inevitable that is going to happen at some point.

Frankly these "toys" should be banned or at the very least have the exact same laws applied as real guns. This isn't the first person to be shot that had one and it won't be the last. You cannot blame the police for their actions. It's impossible to distinguish them from a real gun even with the orange cap.

When the cop says freeze and drop the gun, if you point the gun, (fake or not) in the cops direction, you are likely to get killed. Sometimes bad decisions can be hazardous to your health.

A single bullet can take a life coming from a gun being held by a 12 year old or an 82 year old. That's why the number one rule of firearms is never point it at something you aren't prepared to shoot.
Man you just wasted your time typing a whole bunch of bullshyt. :camby:


Jun 16, 2012
I don't believe the cop's story these days, always get away with it but also I blame on the parents too for allowing him have a BB gun and let him go outside at night espeically he's black.

You know damn well that cop gonna find the reason to pop your ass.

Black people gotta be an extra careful these days around cop shyts, etc.


<--- Cleveland Browns winning that many, boi!
Jul 28, 2012
Did the 12 year old deserve to die? No, but the responding officer didn't deserve to die that day either.

Unfortunately for the kid, he made a series of bad decisions that eventually forced a police officer to make a split-second decision whether to risk dying or use deadly force himself. The consequences were tragic, but foreseeable. I wish it hadn't happened. I'm sure the police officer wished it hadn't happened. But it did, and the kid is primarily responsible himself for ending up dead.

I don't even care if it's modified or not, orange cap or not if someone starts waving one those things at me I'm not waiting to fire to find out if it's real gun someone put a fake orange cap on. It's inevitable that is going to happen at some point.

Frankly these "toys" should be banned or at the very least have the exact same laws applied as real guns. This isn't the first person to be shot that had one and it won't be the last. You cannot blame the police for their actions. It's impossible to distinguish them from a real gun even with the orange cap.

When the cop says freeze and drop the gun, if you point the gun, (fake or not) in the cops direction, you are likely to get killed. Sometimes bad decisions can be hazardous to your health.

A single bullet can take a life coming from a gun being held by a 12 year old or an 82 year old. That's why the number one rule of firearms is never point it at something you aren't prepared to shoot.
Blah...blah... Cop made a split second decision. Blah..blah... Cop was scored for his life. Blah...blah... Cop only shot two times. Blah...blah...blah...

Nothing about your post talks about the boy and his feelings as he went from playing with other kids to being down the barrel of real gun in about 30 seconds probably.

Jazzy B.

Aug 8, 2013
They've talked down white males waving REAL guns before, talked a cac out his car after he slaughtered a whole family but they light up a 12 year old boy?

If a person is seen to be carrying a firearm and then motions as if they're about to draw at someone(a police officer in this case). That person is not going to be given a chance. It's split second/life or death decisions here.