Allegedly this nikka's Gullah? It's like he's molded to be a slap in the face to black freedom and progression. His ancestors need to come back and haunt this uncle Remus.
Please also post up the evidence supporting your statement that I have bolded. When making a bombshell statement like that, you should also back it with irrefutable evidence.It was 57 Democrats and 43 Republicans that voted on his nomination.
Would we see Trump getting confirmations with this kind of spread in 2024![]()
Please also post up the evidence supporting your statement that I have bolded. When making a bombshell statement like that, you should also back it with irrefutable evidence.
Those crackers knew what they were doing...Way way back, I remember one of my elders said it was the biggest slap in the face to replace thurgood marshall with this motherfukker
Say it out louder for the people on this site who think not voting is going to send a messageThis was telegraphed by the far right legal community years ago and now Thomas is recognizing it in court. The same way they're telegraphing support for overturning Loving v Virginia in order the lay the groundwork for challenging gay marriage laws. These people show you their hand years and even decades in advance. It's up to you give a shyt.
If people don't vote...fine, whatever. I will spend zero time telling anyone to vote for Biden. I will simply state that I vote because of shyt like this. Because it's very clear that one party is hell bent on stacking as many white, racist, misogynist, anti-gay, pro child labor, etc judges on the courts as possible in order to create domino effects that end in things like...well, what we saw with Roe v Wade. There's a clear path to replacing Thomas and Alito, both of whom are older and may die. And Roberts suffers from seizures and may retire early for health reasons.
"Following is the 52-to-48 roll call by which the Senate voted tonight to confirm Judge Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court. A yes vote was a vote to confirm. Voting yes were 11 Democrats and 41 Republicans. Voting no were 46 Democrats and 2 Republicans. Alabama: Heflin (D) No; Shelby (D) Yes. Alaska: Murkowski (R) Yes; Stevens (R) Yes. Arizona: DeConcini (D) Yes; McCain (R) Yes. Arkansas: Bumpers (D) No; Pryor (D) No. California: Cranston (D) No; Seymour (R) Yes. Colorado: Brown (R) Yes; Wirth (D) No. Connecticut: Dodd (D) No; Lieberman (D) No. Delaware: Biden (D) No; Roth (R) Yes. Florida: Graham (D) No; Mack (R) Yes. Georgia: Fowler (D) Yes; Nunn (D) Yes. Hawaii: Akaka (D) No; Inouye (D) No. Idaho: Craig (R) Yes; Symms (R) Yes. Illinois: Dixon (D) Yes; Simon (D) No. Indiana: Coats (R) Yes; Lugar (R) Yes. Iowa: Grassley (R) Yes; Harkin (D) No. Kansas: Dole (R) Yes; Kassebaum (R) Yes. Kentucky: Ford (D) No; McConnell (R) Yes. Louisiana: Breaux (D) Yes; Johnston (D) Yes. Maine: Cohen (R) Yes; Mitchell (D) No. Maryland: Mikulski (D) No; Sarbanes (D) No. Massachusetts: Kennedy (D) No; Kerry (D) No. Michigan: Levin (D) No; Riegle (D) No. Minnesota: Durenberger (R) Yes; Wellstone (D) No. Mississippi: Cochran (R) Yes; Lott (R) Yes. Missouri: Bond (R) Yes; Danforth (R) Yes. Montana: Baucus (D) No; Burns (R) Yes. Nebraska: Exon (D) Yes; Kerrey (D) No. Nevada: Bryan (D) No; Reid (D) No. New Hampshire: Rudman (R) Yes; Smith (R) Yes. New Jersey: Bradley (D) No; Lautenberg (D) No. New Mexico: Bingaman (D) No; Domenici (R) Yes. New York: D'Amato (R) Yes; Moynihan (D) No. North Carolina: Helms (R) Yes; Sanford (D) No. North Dakota: Burdikk (D) No; Conrad (D) No. Ohio: Glenn (D) No; Metzenbaum (D) No. Oklahoma: Boren (D) Yes; Nickles (R) Yes. Oregon: Hatfield (R) Yes; Packwood (R) No. Pennsylvania: Specter (R) Yes; Wofford (D) No. Rhode Island: Chafee (R) Yes; Pell (D) No. South Carolina: Hollings (D) Yes; Thurmond (R) Yes. South Dakota: Daschle (D) No; Pressler (R) Yes. Tennessee: Gore (D) No; Sasser (D) No. Texas: Bentsen (D) No; Gramm (R) Yes. Utah: Garn (R) Yes; Hatch (R) Yes. Vermont: Jeffords (R) No; Leahy (D) No. Virginia: Robb (D) Yes; Warner (R) Yes. Washington: Adams (D) No; Gorton (R) Yes. West Virginia: Byrd (D) No; Rockefeller (D) No. Wisconsin: Kasten (R) Yes; Kohl (D) No. Wyoming: Simpson (R) Yes; Wallop (R) Yes."
We already have one for him.Breh can we please get an official smiley for dude
We need to do a further investigation into his background. His hairline has always been questionable.Allegedly this nikka's Gullah?