What is the CIA monitoring for exactly?
a better question would be what DON'T they monitor for?
things like saving every tweet and facebook post in the national archives is pointless to us. why would they waste resources to make sure they archive useless information?
the answer is simple. there is no such thing as useless information. we are not the intelligence community so I can only fathom the ultimate use for this data. anybody well versed in silent weapons/quiet wars will tell you all this data is analyzed and helps predict human behavioral patterns as well as predict future economic outcome.
going back to the 60s and 70s, we see deals made with local drug barons and the intelligence community. nowadays its hip-hop moguls, artists and affiliates who make these negotiations.
just to combat the excessive generic comments of you creating your own destiny, controlling your environment and negating conspiracies, I will say this;
the government systemically poisoned the urban landscape of america and thirty years later were supposed to have recovered and reclaimed control?
we still have disenfranchised party leaders who are alive and defeated so I don't expect every second generation to be able to erase the plight of the previous environment.
60s - take apart the main resistance
70s- coke flood and dismantling the last of the rebels
80- crack cocaine introduced
90- still livin through the grime of the 80s
2000- cameras and internet/heightened survelliance technologies abundant. if some second or third generation rebels want to conspire they are easily dissipitated.the vibration from forty years is still felt today.