Trump got more of the black vote than the previous two GOP candidates and matched Bush's 2000 numbers. He matched McCain's latin vote. If you listen to the media/social media/the left etc.. there's no way he'll do well with non-whites. Well the elections over, been over for months now. There's verifiable data. He did well, comparitively, with both demographics. Still after the fact, the same group of people are acting like that's impossible.
"If you're white and vote for Trump, you're a racist; if you're black, you're an uncle tom, if you're Hispanic, that's unacceptable, unfathomable; if you're gay, you're 'not gay'" Again, the election is over. Shouting down the opposition was not a winning strategy before the election and it's sure as hell isn't after the fact.
The best way not to normalize Trump would be by not going bat shyt crazy and making him look reasonable by comparison. (Yes, the recount effort and the last ditch effort to steal Electoral votes was crazy.)
Trump is the response to the radical left. If the mainstream left was more moderate and didn't engage in shout down tactics, there would be no environment for Trump to thrive. Sadly, that's been the environment for years and it doesn't look like it's going to change. Trump will continue to thrive. He's the counter voice.
With all that said, I believe the next few years will be good for the country. If the unemployment rate, median income, GDP, foreign affairs, education, healthcare, etc.. improve, I hope everyone will be open minded enough to recognize it. The results will tell the truth. Don't fall into group think and be a useful idiot for the left.
Tl;dr: the election is over. Move on. Keep an open mind about the future; it just might be good.