Chrisette Michele To Perform At Trump's Inauguration

Big Boss

Sep 26, 2012
Barry White was gangbanging yet turned away from it and devoted his music career to singing about love. Thats a good thing. Meanwhile around the same time Soulja Boys music is on the decline he gets put on blast by a gang he claims affiliation as being only affiliated by pay.

and it really says alot about the character of both men. That scene in Money and Violence when Rafe tells ol girl he works in construction and doesnt reveal he is a criminal is OG style. Thats how Barry was doing it.....Shun the shameful acts and promote yourself as being the opposite.

I'm not religious but if there is a God then Soulja Boy getting put on blast by that shove from that Blood and those Bloods putting Big Soulja on blast about not really being down was a message from God showing Young Black men how not to act.

And wayne been fake gangbanging for the longest :mjlol:


Jul 13, 2012
He was also a pandering cac then who wasn't expressing his true views. So why wouldn't people fukk with him back then? And he wasn't admired he was just notable for being a wealthy icon. A mark of success. Doesn't mean"Black" people fukk with Trump.
So what you're saying is he wasn't a raging racist before he ran for President. Thanks for agreeing with me!


May 1, 2012
Big difference tho mr hampton

Neonazism is synonomous with trump supporters. Clinton supporters can be nazis too but it is not synonomous with clinton supporters
The Clintons have done legislative damage to black people from the office of the presidency. How is that not worse?

Alexander The Great

I ain't gonna say this sh*t again
Apr 30, 2012
I'm now listening to her last cd, which I was not aware of previous to all this and its fire :leon:

the Black Girl Magic song would be a Big hit if Beyonce had done it

Jun 7, 2012
These parties are the reason black communities are in this condition .It took government policy to destroy the black community and it will take policy to build it back. No community survives on it own. They are all getting millions of dollars in govt aide. They are not doing anything special or anything better than blacks. That's what the racist want you to think. That somehow blacks are inferior and everyone else magically thrives and succeeds on their own. Black Economic empowerment is the key and the only way the black community will ever thrive again. And that's the one topic that you will never hear come out the mouth of politicians mouth voluntarily. That's the only conversation that truly matters. The racist that run the country know this as well so they keep you distracted and focused on symbolism and meaningless gestures or policy.

Black unity FINALLY is what will cause us to thrive. Finally pulling our heads out of our asses and uniting as we did during the Civil Rights movement and doing it for no other reason than we're all black and we have to. That's the only thing that'll work. These people will never be negotiated with. They're too powerful. You can outsmart them here and outsmart them there, but there are too damn many. We have to unify and stay that way and be unbreakable. You can negotiate your way out of the hood or make a better way for yourself. Which is great for you. You and the terrorist Trump shook hands and made a sweet deal. However all the other blacks suffer. There's no bill or law or concession these white people are ever gonna make that'll fix us.

This country negotiates with terrorist everyday. We create them too. We make deals with our perceived enemies and negotiate terms and trades deals etc.. We dont like them and they dont like us but there is a mutual level of respect. We deal with Russia, Iran, China, etc.. not cause we like to but cause we live in the world with them an have to.

Same way blacks live in this country. That's just the reality. We are completely integrated into this society now.. Going backwards or complete separation is a fantasy. You are a keyboard activist.. Your not going to war with racist whites anytime soon. Are you going to fight and kill all the white supremacist? You probably wont even quit your day job.

The idea you are pushing that blacks shouldn't work with the govt when most blacks(and americans) are currently dependent on the govt is beyond silly. We pay taxes. This is our country too.

Every day I fight a war with racist whites just by existing G. This ain't about overthrowing the government. I think this is a unique opportunity to cut the head off the snake, not normalize the serpent. Claiming "well he won so that's just the way it is" is justifying his actions. Working within the system he's poisoning is only to lead to you being poisoned too. Cut him off. Support none of his policies. Force the GOP to cut him loose to save themselves. Show the world that America, when all is said and done, did the right thing. Drum him out, impeach him and then we talk.

You can say I'm living in fantasy land, but at the very least don't show up at his doorstep, kiss his ring, and tell everybody how good it tasted on top of it.

Not sure how you could twist my works to come those silly assumptions. But to educate you affirmative action worked great when it was just for black people. Now gays and white women are the biggest beneficiaries. You can thank your liberal friends for that since they include everyone as "minorities". I'm pro affirmative action for blacks only. I also strongly believe in reparations for blacks only. Black issues are unique due to the history of this country and the solutions need to be unique to address black people only. Liberalism has become a way for racist to avoid having to address black people directly by lumping every one(including gay whites and white women) under the "minority" banner.

You make a strong point there. I think if reparations had just been paid outright to freed slaves, right when they were freed and leveled the playing field, America could be different. Rip the bandaid off, piss off the South a little more than they already were and then move on. No need for affirmative action (or less need).

Mac Ten

Class of 97 !!!
Dec 15, 2019
Nah, she tried to kill herself, got dropped from her label and has issues with depression now.

She got ran up outta here.


Yet folks let that batshyt Kanye get a pass… he was c00ning way worse than everyone.

I’m still mad that she got canceled and not him.

Kanye can say “Slavery is a choice”(which was off code and embarrassing) in front of Harvey Levin but folks got mad at Chrisette Michele for just performing.

Nowadays, folks seem to be cool with Trump…

Lord Jamar
Sexyy Red
Sheff G + Sleepy Hallow
Kodak(Trump is the reason that he’s free)

Chrisette should be good.