Well here's where I disagree on that and where I relate: I didn't grow up pretending to be rocket racer or the prowler, I grew up pretending to be spider man so the idea that a black man can't play a role where truly race has no bearing on the character or their interaction or their world is bullshyt. There's nothing about Peter or his background that screams he has to be white and that's the point he was making about starsky and hutch. Same with Johnny. Now there are certain characters who have to be black or white or Hispanic because its clearly informs the character but it doesn't in those instances.
Bond is a great example of one who doesn't need to be white at least the movie version of him. The literary version of the character does have to be white because he's s bit of a racist. Luke cage has to be black. Green arrow, a guy so defined by his race and privilege to the point where he rebels against it has to be white because it informs who he is. Peter Parker is a low middle class kid from forest hills raised by his aunt and a genius. Nothing about that screams he has to be white
And that's where the double standard comes in because if you reduce Luke Cage to such a simplistic description, he doesn't have to black either. He's just a young kid growing up in hard times on them NY streets, in and out of prison, and once he gains powers as an adult, decides to make a little buck for himself. Could be a white guy, could be a Mexican. Could even be Chinese, change his name to Liu Kang. *insert troll face*
My point is, all these characters are historically written to be white, black, whatever. Sure, the character's race might not be that important to some as it does to others, it's still who they are. Change that and you might as well change everything, like making Dr Doom a blogger/hacker instead of Latverian magic-practicing royalty. Oh wait...
Once again, the bigger concern should be how little characters are written specifically for black actors, and how 90% of lead roles in Hollywood movies, which are racially ambigious, are almost offered exclusively to white actors, unless you happen to be Denzel, Sam or Will, whom Hollywood believe are the only black actors to have 'crossed over appeal'. That's the real issue and the heart of the problem as to why there's so few black movie heroes to look up to.
I have free screening tickets to Top 5 next monday.
Hope I make it
i have so many screenings that im losing track of the dates
dope read..and i get what he's saying about mexicans..but last i checked we do at least have inarritu, cuaron and del toro
but acting wise Michael Pena got us on his back
true brehHe's talking about working in the industry too not just performing. Execs etc
So trueComedians have the clearest perspective of the world.
So true