That’s a straw man argument. The issue is the old part time guys only showing up at the biggest shows and getting all the top spots and always going over the full time guys, which is what happens.Nothing wrong with old guy proven draws..... Brings in the casuals and lapsed fans.
The whole argument against them is dumb and based in jealously. If Rock for example brings in 2 million more fans then he gets a spot on the card. Period.
That’s a straw man argument. The issue is the old part time guys only showing up at the biggest shows and getting all the top spots and always going over the full time guys, which is what happens.
Another terrible comparison. If model 2 shows up every week as opposed to once a year, you go with model 2. Long term it’s not viable. They’re out there relying on a bunch of 50 year old guys every spring for wrestlemania and they aren’t helping draw anyway. Aside from Rollins & Roman who was getting go away heat every year, everyone in their heavyweight title matches the last 5-6 years has been someone in their late 30’s at least. Bryan and Kofi both turn 38 this year, Brock is 42 now, triple h was 46 when he faced Roman, taker was 53 when he faced Roman, and they’ve all been around for ages, Batista was 45 when he headlined with Bryan and Randy. None of these guys except Bryan, Brock, and Kofi were fresh faces or hot acts when they headlined either. Nobody in their right mind would argue this is a good long term business model. The fact that they’re doing 2001 WCW levels of attendance numbers at their tv and pay per view shows should drive that point home.Yeah so? They are the draws... If you own a magazine that features models and model #1 gets your magazine 1 million buys , model #2 gets you only 500K who you picking... It's actually simple.
If model 2 shows up every week as opposed to once a year, you go with model 2. .
You say that like it isn’t their business model to make sure nobody who wrestles full time is a draw. The :flabbyvince: smiley exists for a reason. You know this. Sabotage everyone who gets over has been their business model for the last 11-12 years. Go find me one wrestler who was over they actually tried to push and make look good in the last five years.I find this part interesting. Remember, model one who shows up once a year EARNED that "benefit" by paying dues for a long time. When Jericho was in his 20s, 30s and 40s he was there every week.... He became a house hold name and I feel like he's earned the ability to be a part timer. So you disagree? You think some non draw can just show up weekly and be entitled a spot? Sorry but I respectfully disagree
Jericho at least put young guys over. He fukking put over fandango at Wreslemania like a million bucks.
Like Jerichsnitch had a choice?
He’s midcard in the big leagues and top play fighter in the indies
Actually hogan went over him too.Exactly.
Who did Hogan put over? HHH?
This is a shyt thread.