Only cover big moments. End it once he returns to the WWE. (Either the nWo or Hulkamania return.)This won't work if its a full life story covering his whole career. It'd be a 3hr movie. Imo they should make it 2 hrs and go from his beginnings to WM3 at the latest.
I was always the biggest lifelong Hogan mark until
I would be more interested in seeing a Ric Flair movie... just his trip to North Korea and him surviving a fukking plane crash are such potentially wild scenes
Opening scene, brother...It was a dark and stormy night at NASA headquarters, dude!The Hogan talesthat will be told
Marching arm-in-arm with MLK & how he took a bullet in the left python for him, brotherrrr.The Hogan talesthat will be told
Marching arm-in-arm with MLK & how he took a bullet in the left python for him, brotherrrr.
“Brother one of the best moments in my life was when I met Dr. King at a rally when I was about 8 or 9. I was the only white kid there, but he came up to me and shook my hand. When he asked me why I was there I told him dude my dream is that one day all the boys and girls will be able to play together regardless of color. Of course later on he took what I said and flipped it into one of his most famous speeches. I’m not taking credit for it, because he made it into something special. But yeah brother he got the idea from me.
A lot of people don’t know this, but when I was Hulking up I would be calling on the spirits of the great Civil Rights leaders for strength. That was my way of giving back. I met all of them as a kid; King, Rosa, Abernathy. And I always promised them that I would honor them in whatever I did in the future. I just hope I made them proud brother.”
Chris Hemsworth will step into the ring as Hulk Hogan in a new biopic by “The Hangover” director Todd Phillips.
Produced for Netflix, the new movie will reportedly focus on Hogan’s rise in the world of wrestling and the beginnings of Hulkamania.
The real Hulkster, Terry Bollea, 65, will serve as a consultant on the film, and will also act as executive producer alongside Hemsworth, Phillips and Bradley Cooper.
The movie will not touch on the later years of Hogan’s life. which include a nasty divorce, his $ex tape scandal and a years-long lawsuit against Gawker Media.”
Hemsworth is working out hard in the gym to put on size, as Hogan was 6-foot-7, 303 lbs in his prime. Now Hemsworth won’t be 300 lbs, but he won’t look like an average guy either.
Hogan saw the photos and wrote the following on Twitter:
Hulk Hogan Reacts To Chris Hemsworth Gaining Size To Play Hulkster's Role In Upcoming Biopic
He is definitely on something lolThat Hemsworth pic reminds me. I recently stumbled across this musclehead's youtube channel and he makes videos about which steroids and growth hormones actors (sometimes wrestlers too) are taking
Can't wait for him to explain this![]()
He is definitely on something lol