Chris Cuomo throwing shade at the democrats from the DNC floor. No lies

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
The above is true, but the above has nothing to do within the context of what he's saying to the below

See he wasn't even talking about that.
This is the problem, people point out those that speak the truth but then focus way too much on intent.
Forget the intent, understand whether what he is saying is true or not and devise your own intent.

People have muddied the waters too much when it comes to news vs commentary.
You should always prioritize news over commentary.
And in no way am I a Cuomo fan, it's like fukk him, but what he saying here is true. Focus on the truth not on the person saying it or intent.
If he's going to criticize then he can be constructive with it by highlighting the DNC members who only tolerate the billionaires and have a history of refusing corporate donations(sanders, AOC) if he's going to inform his audience, he can talk about the politicians I mentioned in the post you quoted.

He's doing neither and is engaging in what I'm calling Political whining. He works for news nation, his network advertises as straight news. No liberal or conservative bias. Fair enough, so then if you're going to compare parties, include independents like Cornel west and more socialist leaning parties like green and socialist workers party. This is how you break the two party stranglehold on American politics, you talk about the other parties that exist and the other people running for office instead of allowing people to go about their business assuming that they only have two choices. The media is complicit in the political polarization in this country because they seem focused on pretending that these other parties and perspectives don't exist and that voters only have two options. They don't. America is a democracy and that means people have choices.

As media, your job is to INFORM. Tell the WHOLE story. Don't just sit there and say "these guys are bad!" Then walk away. What does that accomplish? You're leaving valuable context out of the audiences hands and whatever decision they make won't be informed by all the facts. It's journalistic malpractice.


Don’t Be Like He-Man
Jul 5, 2012
If he's going to criticize then he can be constructive with it by highlighting the DNC members who only tolerate the billionaires and have a history of refusing corporate donations(sanders, AOC) if he's going to inform his audience, he can talk about the politicians I mentioned in the post you quoted.
I disagree with this strategy here.
You have to get everyone to understand the problem here.
Look at this very thread, first post is who cares..
Throughout this thread people are saying it's no big deal.
What you are saying is come up with a solution, but I think the solution is first to have everyone agree on the problem.
If we don't all agree on the problem then how can you offer a solution?

And with people's short attention span you gotta do such things in doses, he released a quick video but sounds like you want a documentary.
I would agree with you in a perfect world but that's not not where we live in.

if you're going to compare parties, include independents like Cornel west and more socialist leaning parties like green and socialist workers party. This is how you break the two party stranglehold on American politics, you talk about the other parties that exist and the other people running for office instead of allowing people to go about their business assuming that they only have two choices.

Absolutely not!
You highlight the problem and then say hey there are these 3rd party options that you have you will lose your audience in seconds.
This isn't Canada where they have a parliamentary system.
The people are too brainwashed for this type of delivery you are suggesting.
Just imagine how this thread would have went if he did, you would have your regular dummies saying oh look at Jill Stein a russian puppet who still has Putin's cum on her lips because she once was eating at a dinner table where he was also at and they spoke.

They attack you with pictures all the time in political hollywood.
I myself have created Cornel West thread with very low posts even
Check this one out, not one reply and such an important thing he says:

The media is complicit in the political polarization in this country because they seem focused on pretending that these other parties and perspectives don't exist and that voters only have two options. They don't. America is a democracy and that means people have choices.

I completely agree with you here 100%
I also say the same thing as you just did, the media is complicit in the dividing the country, absolutely true!
The country is divided by design, it wasn't organically divided.
So we are completely in agreement here, we just disagree on strategy.


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
You're right. So we shouldn't vote. Right?

Trump is the same as Romney or something. No difference at all.

Vote your own self interests..:mjpls:

But be aware america has a serious corruption problem that's seriously partially why nothing gets done when you do vote because the politicians you be dikkriding is already paid off and in someone's pockets...:mjpls: we been told you this...and y'all get mad when we say your vote doesnt matter... because that's obviously the truth. if it wasnt america would be in a far better place. but it isnt...