Everyone has said this the first few times he has expressed wanting to be a wrestler and he is not black balled or at least we don't know if he is. He has been backstage multiple times at WWE and has met Tony Khan, offered wrestling lessons for free by Lance Storm which he flaked. It's just he shouldn't still be giving interviews or talking about joining the top wrestling companies when he's closer to 30 than 20 and won't commit to finishing his training.
If he's still in his 20's that's young, some wrestlers haven't even started until 30 plus and did well. Even look at someone like DDP who didn't pop till later. He can talk about what he likes really. Not to mention he went through a horrific tragedy of his father, brother and step mother dying, he will have post traumatic stress and trauma from that so if he wasn't fully focused for a while I think that's understandable. Hardly anyone could imagine what he went through, was a very specific and extreme situation. Should let him live freely, if he wants to do it cool, if he uses it as escapism but isn't really capable or willing to do it that's cool too. Whatever gets him through, this situation bigger than wrestling, just hope he gets through. He's living with a huge burden every day. You can tell he's still fukked up by it. If I'm correct he's only recently started doing more interviews and stuff too so maybe he's only recently felt more ready. I doubt WWE would give him a shot, but maybe someone else will, if he makes it there then maybe WWE would 1 day under a different name. Good luck to him.