Sidebar a sec just thinkin man every time I see Sandra Bland's smile I wannaNo Peace No p*ssy

Sidebar a sec just thinkin man every time I see Sandra Bland's smile I wannaNo Peace No p*ssy
kinda disappointed.didnt expect a satire![]()
If you dont see it thats on you, but movie was good, im just seeing black folks crying because they refuse to accept it isnt a hood crime movie.kinda disappointed.
I saw Teyonah Parris and went
saw the sex strike thing and went
i mean damn. Basset, Jackson, Snipes, Cannon, Hudson...dude going hard with this one. Not sure If i wanna see it. I'm sure its good but it seems kinda corny to me.
doesnt have to be a crime movie...just a realistic one. That sex strike shyt and having all these stars in it is corny.If you dont see it thats on you, but movie was good, im just seeing black folks crying because they refuse to accept it isnt a hood crime movie.
doesnt have to be a crime movie...just a realistic one. That sex strike shyt and having all these stars in it is corny.
Had Samuel Jackson looking like fukkin Willy Wonka or some shyt. But i'm not artistic like that so i'm probably missing something. I just like real movies about real life shyt lol
and some people need something to feed their pretentious egos i guessSome people have to be fed things in a straight forward manner I guess.
Spike dropped another classic... c00ns aint gonna be happy. All that energy yhey spent trying to tear down an acomplished black man before they even saw the movie.
has anyone here actually seen it and didnt Like It? I haven't read the other pagesPeople are c00ns because they might not like something
The overuse of the word on the coli grows each day
has anyone here actually seen it and didnt Like It? I haven't read the other pages
yea, I mean at this point anyone who doesnt want to spend the 10 bucks to go see and be able to have a justified opinion on why they dont like the film just sounds like an idiot at this point.Nah, I think everyone pretty much likes the film
yea, I mean at this point anyone who doesnt want to spend the 10 bucks to go see and be able to have a justified opinion on why they dont like the film just sounds like an idiot at this point.
We get ppl didnt like the trailer
We get it people wanted a boyz in da hood type flick
Ok dont see it.
Anyone who did see it I find it hard for them to not like the film in general, at most I can see people have opinions on what could have been added or something but at the end of the day I dont see how any Black person can take issue with the story/message. Hell the movie had Chop, Sasha Go Hard and other Chi Town natives and was shot in the city so Idk what all this "authentic" talk is about. IDK Just seems people just have hate for Nick Cannon or something.
Side note
Spike or QT need to make a Modern Dolomite flick starring Sam Jackson.
When I saw the trailer I knew the movie wasnt gonna be well received.
From what it sounds like, the title of the movie is kinda misleading. Everything ive read so far implies that outside of Nick Cannons Character (whose name is "Chi-Raq"), the Chicago setting is mere window dressing and that the movie offers no specific meaning commentary on the Violent Crime Epidemic in Chicago. Which is a huge misstep on Spikes part.
For about 3 years now, Chicagos violence has occupied a cultural fascination. Ever since Chief Keef blew up, the ever shifting street politics has been a huge topic of discussion on the internet. Not even a year ago I remember on Boxden, a "Chi-Wire" thread dedicated to the most recent bit of Street Beef news occurting in the Chi had a constant presence on the first page of the Hip Hop subforum. Im sure every forum had something of that nature.
People are interested in Chicago because no one really knows why its so bad or why these kids are just so hopelessly murderous. Is it because these people are what remains of Cabrini Green? Crack babies? Government black ops? No one really has a real, substantial, SATISFYING answer.
(Honestly I also think its due to the fact that no one wants to believe that WE AS A SOCIETY failed a generation that bad. That the crack era taught us nothing)
Regardless, I think people were genuinely excited about Spikes Movie. Excited in the sense that one of our greatest artist who in the past has made work that has defined zeitgeists in Black America, would now tackle Chi-Raq and hopefully make sense out of it all.
Too bad Spike is still Spike. He prefers allegory and musical numbers. Spike is also in his 50s. At some point you lose touch.
And lets keep it real, a film with the title "Chi-Raq" implies a look at the nihilistic violence, poverty, and decadence of Young Black Males. But the movie was made 22 years ago. Its called "Menace II Society". True "Menace" was a snapshot of South Central LA rather than Chicago, but really, is O-Dog drastically different than the cold blooded killer persona that a rapper like RondoNumba9 portrayed and lived?
Isnt it sad that the "accurate" depiction of Chicago that people wanted would be identical in theme and message to hood dramas made 25 years ago?