CHINA has 15 cities bigger than NYC


All Star
May 18, 2012
Red, White, & Stonewashed Blue since '94
what i think shes saying, is that nyc often leads or births trends in fashion,music etc

And in the last century or so, that has definently been the case:francis:
what i think shes saying, is that nyc often leads or births trends in fashion,music etc

And in the last century or so, that has definently been the case:francis:

As someone who has spent the last decade in the fashion industry that's probably only about half accurate. Yes, NYC starts it's fair share of fashion trends, mainly urban based. Most other trends in fashion start from Europe, mainly London. It usually takes 6 months to a year for the trends in Europe to make their way to the USA. Main reason for that is it takes time for a vendor to create samples, present their samples to buyers in different markets, get product manufactured, get samples shot for online sales, and get the samples shipped from factories (primarily in Asia) to other parts of the world.
May 22, 2012
RENO, Nevada


All Star
Oct 31, 2014
Hangzhou, China Population 10 Million





This is a second tier Chinese city and it’s vastly more developed than America’s first tier city. It is over for America, by 2030, the Chinese century is upon us. Chinese have waited this long and probably won’t relinquish power for centuries to come.


Mr Rager

Leader of the Delinquents
Feb 9, 2014
Hangzhou, China Population 10 Million





This is a second tier Chinese city and it’s vastly more developed than America’s first tier city. It is over for America, by 2030, the Chinese century is upon us. Chinese have waited this long and probably won’t relinquish power for centuries to come.

*looks at username*

Mr Rager

Leader of the Delinquents
Feb 9, 2014
Looking to make the trip to Vietnam, Laos, China, Cambodia, etc over the space of a month next year!

Good thread

Doing a little Asian trip after I get masters this month.

Singapore, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan and Thailand

Did you brehs ever take these trips? What did you think?


Feb 9, 2014
Did you brehs ever take these trips? What did you think?

We went to Vietnam over Christmas and New Year, I think 20 days all together. Everything else was a stretch due to schedules. I went to Japan on a separate occasion

It was a lot of fun, eye opening, stressful, sometimes made me home sick...but the first few days was quite "meh" for me as I was getting a lot of attention due to my locs and being black. Just being out for a few mins I was getting people touching me or my hair, stroking me or pointing and staring. But when we saw some other black folk it was the same as them, and tbh when our tour guide was talking to me he just said they only get to see black people on TV (not the immigrant African brehs) so a lot of the attention was just shock

Overall I liked it, but it is quite an old country. It's not clean, it is dirty, its warm and sometimes smelly. But waking up to some warm weather, having some nice native food, some Vietnamese coffee, then doing a tour of some historical palace, then riding a moped to another restaurant, site seeing, etc. for about £15 really made me like the place after all. The people are really fukking interested in you lol. If you don't like to talk to people, then I'd avoid it. It's also a great place for groups of friends or partners. There's lots to do when you go up north like Halong Bay, Sapa, Hanoi, or in the middle like Hue and Hoi An.

We did more adventures up north such as kayaking, exploring through massive rock caves, boat tours and seeing proper blue water, went to some of the old jungles where the war was too and tried to go into the underground tunnels..but I was too scared to go in, them things are tight! :mjcry:...shot some masssssive guns that rock your whole body back and just had general fun. The hotel we stayed in was one of the weirdest experiences as it was obviously a gambling hotel built by and for the Chinese. Ran by some random English guy who was sitting 3 tables away from us in an empty restaurant with some young ass felt like Rush Hour 2. We had the whole hotel to ourselves maybe due to the time or year or Chinese people being quite introverted...but we were in the gym, swimming pool and never met one person.

We then took an overnight train from Hanoi to Hue and struggled with the cleanliness of the train. It was pretty dilapidated, dirty, and we heard complaints about little friends, but I never saw any. Basically I didn't pee or poo for the whole train ride which was 13 hours. We had a 4 bed carriage with an American and some Swiss guy (my Mrs and I are British and she's Asian/white) played some cards, etc. But you mostly sleep or just listen to podcast or read. It was quite and experience to have - can't say I'd do it again but it was more interesting and cheaper than flying

When we went down south to HCM/Saigon, it was like a modern city. We spent New Years watching a fireworks show and some random performers. Had a few drinks in the hotel, meal and chilled. Much more westerners so it was a lot more lit

Overall, if you like travelling and not too boojie and love adventuring, then it's amazing place to go. If you're coming from the US Id suggest putting another country on the Hitlist too, such as Thailand or going to Cambodia. The flights internally are cheap (fly Air Vietnam) and to surrounding countries, you won't need more than $60-70 for some return flights.

Not sure what's going to happen with Corona, but this year we are looking to hit Japan again over New Year with the Mrs' family and to get married. I'd personally put my pure enjoyment and comfortability in Japan way above Vietnam. It was more enjoyable too and I'd recommend it first as an Asian destination

Mr Rager

Leader of the Delinquents
Feb 9, 2014
We went to Vietnam over Christmas and New Year, I think 20 days all together. Everything else was a stretch due to schedules. I went to Japan on a separate occasion

It was a lot of fun, eye opening, stressful, sometimes made me home sick...but the first few days was quite "meh" for me as I was getting a lot of attention due to my locs and being black. Just being out for a few mins I was getting people touching me or my hair, stroking me or pointing and staring. But when we saw some other black folk it was the same as them, and tbh when our tour guide was talking to me he just said they only get to see black people on TV (not the immigrant African brehs) so a lot of the attention was just shock

Overall I liked it, but it is quite an old country. It's not clean, it is dirty, its warm and sometimes smelly. But waking up to some warm weather, having some nice native food, some Vietnamese coffee, then doing a tour of some historical palace, then riding a moped to another restaurant, site seeing, etc. for about £15 really made me like the place after all. The people are really fukking interested in you lol. If you don't like to talk to people, then I'd avoid it. It's also a great place for groups of friends or partners. There's lots to do when you go up north like Halong Bay, Sapa, Hanoi, or in the middle like Hue and Hoi An.

We did more adventures up north such as kayaking, exploring through massive rock caves, boat tours and seeing proper blue water, went to some of the old jungles where the war was too and tried to go into the underground tunnels..but I was too scared to go in, them things are tight! :mjcry:...shot some masssssive guns that rock your whole body back and just had general fun. The hotel we stayed in was one of the weirdest experiences as it was obviously a gambling hotel built by and for the Chinese. Ran by some random English guy who was sitting 3 tables away from us in an empty restaurant with some young ass felt like Rush Hour 2. We had the whole hotel to ourselves maybe due to the time or year or Chinese people being quite introverted...but we were in the gym, swimming pool and never met one person.

We then took an overnight train from Hanoi to Hue and struggled with the cleanliness of the train. It was pretty dilapidated, dirty, and we heard complaints about little friends, but I never saw any. Basically I didn't pee or poo for the whole train ride which was 13 hours. We had a 4 bed carriage with an American and some Swiss guy (my Mrs and I are British and she's Asian/white) played some cards, etc. But you mostly sleep or just listen to podcast or read. It was quite and experience to have - can't say I'd do it again but it was more interesting and cheaper than flying

When we went down south to HCM/Saigon, it was like a modern city. We spent New Years watching a fireworks show and some random performers. Had a few drinks in the hotel, meal and chilled. Much more westerners so it was a lot more lit

Overall, if you like travelling and not too boojie and love adventuring, then it's amazing place to go. If you're coming from the US Id suggest putting another country on the Hitlist too, such as Thailand or going to Cambodia. The flights internally are cheap (fly Air Vietnam) and to surrounding countries, you won't need more than $60-70 for some return flights.

Not sure what's going to happen with Corona, but this year we are looking to hit Japan again over New Year with the Mrs' family and to get married. I'd personally put my pure enjoyment and comfortability in Japan way above Vietnam. It was more enjoyable too and I'd recommend it first as an Asian destination

Hell yeah, Vietnam is awesome. And they do pay a lot of attention to you. A bunch of folks were pulling me into pictures to pose with them, felt like a damn celebrity :russ:
One thing I had to get over in vietnam was the cleanliness level, I had to get over that quick bc I was staying in a few hostels and a few of us would go eat at the restaurants and be like :scust:, but that's what they had so we had to get over it!
I loved the weather, and just riding a moped along the beach. I went to HCMC, Nha Trang, Qui Non, Da Nang, and Hoi an. Didn't make it up to Hanoi but I heard its way more developed.
Did you fly VietJet? That shyt is like soul plane in real life :dead:


Feb 9, 2014
Hell yeah, Vietnam is awesome. And they do pay a lot of attention to you. A bunch of folks were pulling me into pictures to pose with them, felt like a damn celebrity :russ:
One thing I had to get over in vietnam was the cleanliness level, I had to get over that quick bc I was staying in a few hostels and a few of us would go eat at the restaurants and be like :scust:, but that's what they had so we had to get over it!
I loved the weather, and just riding a moped along the beach. I went to HCMC, Nha Trang, Qui Non, Da Nang, and Hoi an. Didn't make it up to Hanoi but I heard its way more developed.
Did you fly VietJet? That shyt is like soul plane in real life :dead:

Ahh you've been! Sorry I thought you hadn't.

Yeah, one family got me to pose with their baby and take a picture lol. Goodness knows where that picture is right now :mjlol:

Yeah there was one restaurant we had to move seats because we literally had some rat type looking family running all up by us and I just couldn't do it. I suffer from OSD while bathing or eating so I struggled some days lol :sadcam:.

Hanoi isn't more developed than HCMC at all! I think due to the Vietnamese War and the fact it was the communist/unbeaten area, it pretty much never got developed by the west and was basically trashed. It was the much more enjoyable area though.

Bro I'm scared as hell to fly especially local airlines so it was Air Vietname for me all the way. That flight is another story in itself because it was during really bad storm...boi...I almost pooped myself