loyola llothta
japan on that shyt too fuk
True. But we always be a existential threat to both those nations due to colonial borders. If the AU was bout it bout it, they would organize a conference room to redraw borders. But the West would never go for that.
I didn't know Japan was therejapan on that shyt too fuk
After the usa is dealt with, the west will be irrelevant...
you still on this huh? The Amerikkk empire is not falling in our lifetime breh
i have only seen one person say this and that is the red shieldWhere do people get this idea that America was in decline since the cold war???? I would say after the cold war is when America was at its peak because it no longer had a rival.
I completely agree with you, but as much as I don't want Africans to fight, Somalia is being held down by Ethiopia because they fear that we will come for them once we're developed enough. War with Ethiopia is inevitable because they are horribly mistreating the Somalis in Western Somalia (Somali region of Ethiopia). Kenya is also trying to steal Somalia's ocean territory and they already have a large portion of Somalia's land. It is really sad that we have to fight because of the lines drawn by the Europeans because once we fight, other people will just begin stealing our resources from right under our noses.If Somalia wants to get outta a two front war against Ethiopia and Kenya(who both I believe are in the top 10 when it comes to African military), they're going to need the combine help of Egypt, Eritrea and Sudan. And there HAS to be mutual benefits for such alliance(especially with Egypt/Sudan). Because without such alliance and even IF Somalia is fully developed its all going to end with Somalia getting badly beaten and possibly most of Somalia getting annexed.
Invading Kenya would most likely get the rest of the EAC involved(Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania and MAYBE South Sudan). So that makes it even more of a suicidal mission. Plus invading Ethiopia is already hard as shyt with it being mountainous. However, IF Egypt, Eritrea or even Sudan gets involved this can mean a victory for Somalia. But a very bloody one. But again they have to have a REASON to join the war. If those three countries do then you will have participants from Somalia, Egypt, Eritrea, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda and MAYBE South Sudan. This would be an African World War on the East Coast of Africa. And even BLOODIER than the two Great Congo wars where the East African region(especially the Horn) would take forever to recover from and from a good amount of casualties. This is all without considering the rest of the international community. If Eritrea joins it can make an invasion of Egypt into Ethiopia much more smoothly. However, its still going to be hard as fukk because Addis Abada(the capital) is basically on a freaking mountain. Moving around Ethiopia as just a regular citizen is hard as fukk but an entire military?
IMO, the smart thing for Somalia to do in the long run is fully develop. Afterwards build up military but mostly its navy. After that is finished use its coastline as leverage(like someone said) in East Africa. Then gain access to the EAC to have a more DOMINATE role and to keep Kenya in check.
Edit: yeah, building up navy and using coastline as leverage definitely IS better and smarter than flat out invading.
Better let it go fir the greater goodWar has to happen. Kenya and Ethiopia have to suffer for destabilizing us for the last 20 years. I wanna make a regional point about supremacy. In our weakest moments, our neighbors took advantage of us. No peace, only war and revenge. Somalia at its height in the 70s was feared. I wanna drive midget Ethiopians back to the highland caves where they belong.
You can't wish for war and expect people to risk their live while you are typing behind a screen in a foreign country.