lupe is actually affiliated with real killers if anything chief should lay low and I'm not trolling I actually think this isn't a good look but nonetheless
the funny thing is, as corny as he may be to some people, lupe really IS about that life. do these dudes want to take it there?
Lupe Fiasco ‏@LupeFiasco
i love u lil bruh @ChiefKeef...i really really do from the bottom of my fukking heart. I know that street shyt like the back of my hand
ive seen it in every way you can possibly imagine and its nothing to be proud of @ChiefKeef it TAKES and TAKES till there is nothing left
Lupe Fiasco (LupeFiasco) on Twitter
I'm betting Kanye feels real shytty for introducing him to the world
that sounds an awful lot like a warning.