these kids need guidance
from whom?
these kids need guidance
Some OGsfrom whom?
Some OGs
This is the problem. Why should a bunch of OG's raise them. May I ask where their fathers are ? You know the men who are meant to be raising them ?
these kids need jobs or tools to start businesses
Im not sure if your familiar with the systematic annihilation of the black family in the United States
but men are an endangered species out chea more than likely their fathers are either dead ,in prison
or simply lack the intestinal fortitude needed to be a father....
Perhaps this is the problem ?
I don't think the solution is for them to continue to be raised 'by the streets' and 'OG's'
Naw, they need their fathers or some type of Male guidence around..only way this crap will be fixed..
Naw, they need their fathers or some type of Male guidence around..only way this crap will be fixed..
In the early 20th century(1910's- 1940's), many white communities (Jews; Italians, and Irish) had crime, yet they had two parent households. The reason why crime was rampant in those communities, was because they had few economic opportunities. I'm not going to break into your house, if I have a decent job or business.
these kids need guidance
Im not sure if your familiar with the systematic annihilation of the black family in the United States
but men are an endangered species out chea more than likely their fathers are either dead ,in prison
or simply lack the intestinal fortitude needed to be a father....
Props, this is exactly why I don't and won't support drill music. I'm on the southside and see the shorties all day everyday who live by this music. Every corner looks like a gbe/otf/#300/abcdefghijklm video shoot. It's disgusting& this is why I cant bump fredo & the boys
I know its deeper than the music but I just cant