He was black. Its NEGROPHOBIA. Plain and simple.He was walking AWAY from the officers when the shot took him down....Even IF the kid was a thread with a knife in his hand, the threat was neutralized.
....What was the excuse for emptying the clip like the kid was The Terminator?
The same stuff that allows a 12 year old boy like tamir rice to be seen as older and more threatening and the same faulty rhetoric that allows someone like Mike Brown to be seen as a huge superhuman brute that charged Darren Wilson even though he was taller than him and had the advantage.
In other words...when the victim of police vi olence is a black male all logic reasoning and sound thinking goes out the window.
Cause thats the only reason in my mind why the people have to justify (the public and law alike) why a man who has a gun should be a afraid of someone without a gun.