In Tijuana, authorities at all levels, state, local, municipal, federal, military, are indimidated, bribed, killed, and less then 5% of murder are solved. It's a basic third world infrastructure, with the largest border crossing in the world, right across from San Diego. Chicago isn't doing much better, in terms of the homicide rate, with comparable populations, which is a staggering fact, I have not really seen in the media. Those are third world conditions, or very close to it. How many killings were solved in Chicago last year? 91% were with a firearm, and I think over 80% linked to gangs/drug related killing. The administration in Chicago is failing, and beyond incompetent and inept.
Also, I want to compare the division of the 'Killing Fields', an overwhelming amount of the Chicago killings take place in maybe 3 neighborhoods/areas, it's similar in TJ, but the killings often happen in nicer areas, and across the city, but the most savage and blatant executions are all in the poverty stricken colonias, just like Chicago. These are the conditions of failing countries, where no one even notices the dead, unless you live next to them.