This ain't the 1940s and 50s when segregation and redlining forced blacks of all income strata to live together. However, what they are proposing is exactly what I've mentioned up here before is that building black communities, starts with building strong black neighborhoods like the decades theory anyway. The thing is now you have the variable of gentrification of non-blacks into black neighborhoods. This "surging" idea is black gentrification, but with a mandated social purpose to "stabilize", not just because a young black person wants to live in a new condo in the hood.
Sounds a tad communistic about commissioning people, but this does require organization, and I think the concept is good.
What's funny/not funny is that seemingly Chinese and Salvadorans and other groups don't need to be commissioned to support one another. Because of shared bonds, it's a given. So I get the organizing and explaining what the end goal is to potential "surging" recruits.