Brief Keef

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fukk outta here, get off your high horse homo. Unlike your dumb ass, I understand why they do what they do, and why things are the way they are. Do they deserve blame, of course, but to sit here and call them "subhuman chimps" is the sign of an outright fakkit. Please show me one poverty stricken society in the world not overrun by violence, just one.
So, there's no correlation in your mind to poverty and crime, yet if you just take a look at the poorest countries in the world, you'd see they have the highest rates of crime. Urban decay and the crime rates in inner cities mirror those of 3rd world countries. No you moron, not "everyone" from the ghetto turns to crime, but a vast number do. The solution is more funding going into schooling and less into building fukking prisons, but I guess you don't see the correlation there either. Illinois just recently cut $210 million in spending on Education, but hey, kill all these chimps, right?
Yeah, you're clearly stupid, do you think these people truly want to be this way? Do you think anyone truly wants to see their friends die, and know their own violent end could be right around the corner. You're talking like someone that has never ever in your life been around poverty, never known someone that had parents that couldn't careless what they did, never knew someone that had to eat syrup sandwiches every fukking day of the week. You're one of these morons on the net talking down on people because of some things that are out of their control.
Basically, shut the fukk up, clown.
*looks at screenname and location* What up Clifford
he was talking about bullets
what he going over there for nikka better having a ak, couple grenades body armor and a mfern tank with him.
honestly i wouldnt be surprised if reese is suspect,
Reese and Keef is cousins...
damn sexy tig o bitties and she smarti'd wife. she gotta point on the child negligence shyt... i mean if we bein real, if we gon have 13 yr old boys rappin bout that kinda shyt... why not have the 13 yr old girls beside em half naked and bussin it wide open
I wasn't going to comment on this thread but felt compelled to after reading this bullshyt...
Seirra is actually right....Fuk those uncivilized baboons...Monkey is actually a compliment to them....Infact they use the term gorillla and beast as positive terms to desribe their savage ape like ways/behavior...So why shouldn't he or anyone else call them the same?...gutter scum whom live to kill/prey upon thier own kind and take pride in it get no sympathy from me.....I wouldn't feel any type of way if every thug niglet was sent to an concentration camps...they are detriments to the community doing the bidding of their white masters anyway.
Poverty aint an excuse for this fukery happening in the black ghettos...Though no where close to as much of an lawless jungle as the slums of Chicago(or the numerous other black on black violence ravaged shytholes) I grew up in the socalled hood(still reside their infact) yet I and millions of other blacks from similar backgrounds across this country managed to survive without resorting to destroying our own communities.....How is it we manage to avoid these pitfulls and not become products of our enviroment like the thug trash you are caping for?...I'll tell you how...Cause unlike the clowns you are tryng to defendr some blacks have too much common sense to fall for the okey doke and self respect to bring down our own...While I can somewhat give more leeway youngsters whom area more easily manipultated into falling into susch trasraps cause they are impressionable and minds not fully developed yet but the grown ass ******s whom take pride in thuggery know better deserve to be turned into human Christmas tree ornaments.
Black on black violence is more a cultural issue/sickness than poverty...Along with the CIA replacing black progressive militant movement with drug gangs...too many misguided negros have been conditioned by the white power structure into believing being a gangster=equals manhood and killing other blackmen is a righteous act.
Apologist such as yourself are actually doing more of a diservice to those koons...Sooner or later they are going to have to take acountability for their own actions....Povery didn't make them join gangs,sell dope, or kill other blackmen/folk for sport...Greed,stupidity, and cowardice did...Either way it was a personal choice..
Comparing the crime /poverty 3rd world countries to the hood in Amerikkka is an apples and oranges argument..None of these OG Loc ass nikkas was literally starving or were in kill or be kill situations untill they chose that life..I don't even think poverty excuses the inhumanity in real 3rd world ratholes muchless socalled hoods in Amerikkka... Furthermore black and a few select latin Amrican countries are comparable to the level of savagery or sheer number of murders that occur in the black community in this country(for the same reasons)...The combined black ghettos of Chicago,Baltimore,New Orleans,Los Angeles, Philly,etc probably have more muders than Russsia and all of Europe..