People not understanding this point astounds me. We call guys like HBK and Daniel Bryan small, but Shawn at his smallest was still a solid 200 pounds legit. It was on a small frame, but the point stands. He looked like an athlete that, with the right style and tactics, could compete with much larger men. Bryan was shorter, but had a frame that could handle more muscle (so he too probably got close to 200 legit, though 185-190 is arguably more accurate estimate of his legit weight), and the style to make himself look credible as a top guy.
Cole is probably 5'9"-ish with a small and skinny frame that isn't holding anywhere near the muscle of a Shawn Michaels or a Daniel Bryan, but wants to work like a dominant champion. I know we throw around the term "playfighting" on this board, but Cole REALLY makes wrestling look like playfighting. I just cannot believe that someone who's not only much smaller than I am (not necessarily a problem) and works the style he does (this is where problems start) is just going to go over everyone forever when he clearly doesn't look either like an athlete or a tough guy of some sort. And it's not as if he's a good enough character or promo to make the whole package work (actively adopting Michaels's worst traits isn't helping. Ditto for Gargano). I just don't see what others see in this guy, and I never have.
I'm trying to be as objective as possible when I write this, but I'm pretty sure Britt's a better wrestler (not in-ring worker, but total package) than he is at this point.