Charlotte proposes all Black male school

Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
if you don't want to live around other races, socialize with other races, work with other races then move your family to africa.

THis is such a liberal cac or c00n post, it's so typical that they would be against bettering ourselves, especially young black males. This will do nothing but better young black males for the cac world, but CACS like this one here hates competition, especially from black men. We are already a physical threat, now mix that with a intelligent mind and it's all over for these punks.

Now watch cacs try to bring up some MLK quote or saying we are more racist then whtitey. :birdman:


All Star
Jul 18, 2012

You don't think that these schools will teach these boys about racism and how to deal with them? They would be stupid not too.

But then again, why are negroes are always a staunch opponent of black-chartered schools? This reminds me of a case in Toronto where they tried to set up a Nubian school for black kids, but the main person who was AGAINST such a thing was a black mother whose son was killed. I don't even remember who did it. SHe was preaching that we should "integrate" and all that jazz, but EVERY OTHER ethnic group and religious affiliation has their own schools, so why can't we??

And I'm sure they would. But we're not living in the 50's anymore.

If it were up to me, we'd all live on a Black Wall Street. That's not the case anymore though. Learning to work with people from different backgrounds is important. You damn near need to learn 3 languages to be competitive anymore. Is that enough of a reason to shoot a great idea like this down? Not in my opinion.

But man that self-hate piece is the worst. I don't know any other group of people who would be so against teaching their own. Feel sorry for that lady for losing her son but what would she hope to gain through more integration? I don't know Toronto but I hear the place is pretty diverse anyway.

Just look at the numbers. When did black families start going downhill? When this integration deal started. America is definitely a different place than it was in the 60's, not a whole lot different if you ask me, but there is no other reason for folks to send their kids and money to other communities than self hate. If we could get that thought process out of the way, we might be set.

Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
And I'm sure they would. But we're not living in the 50's anymore.

If it were up to me, we'd all live on a Black Wall Street. That's not the case anymore though. Learning to work with people from different backgrounds is important. You damn near need to learn 3 languages to be competitive anymore. Is that enough of a reason to shoot a great idea like this down? Not in my opinion.

But man that self-hate piece is the worst. I don't know any other group of people who would be so against teaching their own. Feel sorry for that lady for losing her son but what would she hope to gain through more integration? I don't know Toronto but I hear the place is pretty diverse anyway.

Found the clip.

Just look at the numbers. When did black families start going downhill? When this integration deal started. America is definitely a different place than it was in the 60's, not a whole lot different if you ask me, but there is no other reason for folks to send their kids and money to other communities than self hate. If we could get that thought process out of the way, we might be set.

I agree with this whole heartily. It was when LBJ signed off for the Great SOciety, it starting the destruction of the black family and the community. Their hasn't been a Black Wall Street (Tulsa) or a Jackson Ward (Richmond) since the government intefered and created these socialist programs.


All Star
Jul 18, 2012
Found the clip.

I agree with this whole heartily. It was when LBJ signed off for the Great SOciety, it starting the destruction of the black family and the community. Their hasn't been a Black Wall Street (Tulsa) or a Jackson Ward (Richmond) since the government intefered and created these socialist programs.

Wow man. Yeah I'd almost expect that kind of response to the proposal. A lot of older folks were forced to go to segregated schools and probably don't have very fond memories of them. If it was done right, you'd have a crazy number of people of all colors begging to get in.

My biggest concern would be the implementation. They'd probably want to build the school on an old landfill or something. Hire first year teachers at lower pay. That kinda thing.

Does anyone know if they went through with that school?

Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
Wow man. Yeah I'd almost expect that kind of response to the proposal. A lot of older folks were forced to go to segregated schools and probably don't have very fond memories of them. If it was done right, you'd have a crazy number of people of all colors begging to get in.

My biggest concern would be the implementation. They'd probably want to build the school on an old landfill or something. Hire first year teachers at lower pay. That kinda thing.

Does anyone know if they went through with that school?
But a lot of them had accents, thus they are first generation immigrants from what ever country they came from. I doubt they lived with forced segregation.

But yes, the school has commenced:

Ontario’s first Africentric high school program to open this fall
The Leonard Braithwaite Program at Scarborough’s Winston Churchill Collegiate Institute has attracted 17 students and the momentum is strong, the Toro
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Africentric Alternative School by safesaver">student Kayron Walters performs at an assembly held Thursday at Sheppard Public School where the Africentric school is located.

By: Leslie Ferenc GTA, Published on Thu Feb 28 2013
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    With 17 students already enrolled and more expected to register, Ontario’s first Africentric high school program will officially begin by safesaver">classes this fall for students in Grade 9.

    The Leonard Braithwaite Program was to have begun last September at Scarborough’s Winston Churchill Collegiate Institute but a late start and lack of promotion resulted in only six applications, not enough for a full program, board officials said.

    Until numbers increased, program students were integrated into traditional classes at Winston Churchill Collegiate.

    by safesaver">Registration began in February and 17 students have already signed up with momentum building, said Toronto District School Board spokeswoman Shari Schwartz-Maltz.

    “It’s good news,” she said, referring to the announcement made Thursday at Canada’s only Africentric elementary school where lessons focus on black historians, scientists, authors, artists and leaders like the late civil rights activist Charles Roach.

    The Africentric Alternative School, which shares space with Sheppard Public School in North York, opened in September 2009. The teachers and almost 200 students at the junior kindergarten to Grade 8 school are all of African heritage and some students come from Peel and York regions, said principal Jacqueline Spence.

    One of the aims of the Africentric elementary school is to curb the high dropout rate among black youth and help those at risk achieve academically.

    Anecdotal evidence and strong early test scores show the program “is absolutely helping,” Spence said.

    This year, 13 Grade 8 students will be the first to graduate from the program. It’s not yet known how many will go on to Braithwaite.

    Grade 7 student Genelle Gerald, who has attended since Grade 4, said she loves the school because she’s learned a lot about African Canadians and Americans, and their importance in history.

    Genelle didn’t hesitate when asked if she’d recommend the Africentric Alternative School. “Yes,” she nodded. “I’d tell them it’s a good school.”

    And though Genelle said she’d like to attend Braithwaite, it’s not likely. Scarborough is too far from her home in North York. She’d have to get ride or use public transit, which could take hours. The Toronto school board doesn’t provide transportation to students attending either Africentric school.

    Genelle was among the students who participated in the moving assembly that paid homage to those who fought for freedom and civil rights. Many of the teachers and parents at the standing-room-only celebration wore clothing made of traditional African kente cloth as well as gele or head wraps as a tribute to their heritage.

    Michelle Frances is a strong supporter of the school. Her daughter Ella, 6, has attended since junior kindergarten because Frances wanted to immerse her in a program where she would know her African roots as well as her Scottish/British heritage on her father’s side.

    “Ella is getting a strong foundation,” said Frances, adding it helps by safesaver">build confidence in young people when they know where they come from.

    Asked about criticism from some that the school segregates children, Frances said that for her, it offers an opportunity for kids to embrace their culture and be proud of it and themselves.

    “I hope that’s how Ella will feel,” she added. “Everybody wants that for their children.”


Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
And Ontario is on the ball here:

Toronto board to open second Africentric high school program in fall
Toronto District School Board announces Monday it will open a second Africentric high school program at Downsview Secondary School.
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By: Kristin Rushowy Education Reporter, Published on Mon May 13 2013
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    Toronto will have a second Africentric high school this September, located within the city's northwest-end, at Downsview by safesaver">Secondary School in North York.

    The Toronto District School Board is posting information on its website on the new program and will hold an information night at the school on Tuesday.

    The first Africentric high school opened in Scarborough last fall, at Winston Churchill Collegiate, but with only six students. The board says it now has 18 students at Churchill and will run a full program this fall for them.

    At Downsview, the program will offer Grade 9 students African-centred studies in English, geography, math and French.

    Last month, school board chair Chris Bolton said the board was considering more Africentric by safesaver">courses in high schools across the city.

    In 2009, the Toronto board opened the Africentric Alternative School, located inside Sheppard Public School in North York, serving students from kindergarten to Grade 8. In 2011, trustees voted to open a second Africentric program, endorsing the “concept of continuing an elementary-to-secondary Africentric school pathway for students.”

    Note - May 14, 2013: This article was edited from a previous version to update the headline.


May 4, 2012
Multiculturalism has failed because in it black issues/history/culture is not addressed taught or expressed outside of what we're pigeonholed into, music and sports. This is a good thing as long as the school gets adequate resources but knowing nigroes, they wont give a dime to this school because they want their kids to hold hands with white kids that will grow up to call them the n word on xbox live.

Black people really think they're gonna wear down these white folks into loving them but, they wont.

Jun 11, 2012
This is exactly what we need down her in Florida.

As far as i know there is only one African Centered school which is in Palm Beach County...


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
i dont see anything wrong with it, actually it doesnt really matter what i think, i dont have the right to tell a parent what type of school their kid should go to and neither should the government

education should be a free market with parents having the choice to send their kids to a charter school, public school or a private school with vouchers

by creating a free market it creates business opportunities and creative opportunities for black teachers and black educators, it gives parents multiple choices and the student wins in the long run
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