Charlotte police kill Florida A&M football player who was running to them for help

Kid McNamara

'97 Mike Bibby
Jan 24, 2013
Freshman Year
I know right? But cac logic is something else.

So your girl home alone and a big white dude come knocking on the door at 2:30a. She call you and says, "what should I do?!?!"

You're telling me that your response is going to be, "open up the door and let him in, sounds like he's hurt." :stopitslime:

She should've called the police (that's what he was going to do anyway), the police should not have shot the dude.

For some reason I had this case on my mind today so I started looking up some updates.

Apparently the police officer HAS BEEN indicted on a voluntary manslaughter charge, initially it was said that a grand jury did not indict him but a second grand jury did. No trial date set as of yet.

The trial for the man who shot that girl McBride on his front porch in Detroit is set to begin in July. They've already removed the black female judge from the stand :beli:

So while ya'll are out this summer enjoying vacation, watching the world cup, living it up, dont forget about what happened to your people. Don't forget about what your duty is if justice isnt done

What's my duty?

Cabbage Patch

The Media scene in V is for Vendetta is the clue
Feb 11, 2014
The Last Frontier
I posted the same thread at the same time. Mods delete mine

Lady called the cops thinking it was a burglary, when the dude was knocking on the door :what:

That's how the white bytch in Louisiana killed that little Japanese foreign exchange student on Halloween night.


Jul 22, 2014
So your girl home alone and a big white dude come knocking on the door at 2:30a. She call you and says, "what should I do?!?!"

You're telling me that your response is going to be, "open up the door and let him in, sounds like he's hurt." :stopitslime:

She should've called the police (that's what he was going to do anyway), the police should not have shot the dude.

What's my duty?
what type of burglar knocks? he is the same size as her or she is bigger.


Kid McNamara

'97 Mike Bibby
Jan 24, 2013
Freshman Year
what type of burglar knocks? he is the same size as her or she is bigger.

I notice you didn't answer the question though.

Truth is, no one in here is telling their girl to open that door and let dude in.

She called the police, which is what dude would have done anyway. Some trigger happy, racist, back-woods, fukk butt, white trash cop decided it would be a good time to kill a black dude.

It's fukked up, I feel that, but I'm not going to blame her for doing what most women, regardless of race, would have likely done.

Have y'all ever had girlfriends?


Jul 22, 2014
I notice you didn't answer the question though.

Truth is, no one in here is telling their girl to open that door and let dude in.

She called the police, which is what dude would have done anyway. Some trigger happy, racist, back-woods, fukk butt, white trash cop decided it would be a good time to kill a black dude.

It's fukked up, I feel that, but I'm not going to blame her for doing what most women, regardless of race, would have likely done.

Have y'all ever had girlfriends?
:wtf: dude definitely wouldn't have called the cops to come get HIM as a burglar. that put a target on his back.

she could have easily called the cops and said "a young man looks distressed outside" but instead she reports him as someone trying to break into her home :what: after he knocked. her and the cop are equally guilty imo. u can excuse her for below the waist reasons all u want

Kid McNamara

'97 Mike Bibby
Jan 24, 2013
Freshman Year
:wtf: dude definitely wouldn't have called the cops to come get HIM as a burglar. that put a target on his back.

she could have easily called the cops and said "a young man looks distressed outside" but instead she reports him as someone trying to break into her home :what: after he knocked. her and the cop are equally guilty imo. u can excuse her for below the waist reasons all u want

Can't stand when dudes get on and talk about how people "should have reacted." Picking apart once-in-a-lifetime situations as if people are trained to react in a certain way.

It's easy to say what she "could have done" while sitting at home typing on a keyboard. Truth is, you're dealing with an emotional ass woman answering a door at 2:30am. Very few women, regardless of race, are going to be on some calm, "oh well, he looks so distressed" status. shyt, even most dudes would go grab the rifle/shotgun if they saw some big dude knocking on their door at 2:30a.

The only persons trained to react calmly under pressure were the ones that shot him, and even then, only one stupid ass cop pulled the trigger. Stop trying to pull this fake militant shyt and blame all white people for the actions of p*ssy cop. Blame the cop dude.

Don't get me wrong, white people are full of shyt a lot of the time, but this woman in this situation reacted how most women would.


Jul 22, 2014
Can't stand when dudes get on and talk about how people "should have reacted." Picking apart once-in-a-lifetime situations as if people are trained to react in a certain way.

It's easy to say what she "could have done" while sitting at home typing on a keyboard. Truth is, you're dealing with an emotional ass woman answering a door at 2:30am. Very few women, regardless of race, are going to be on some calm, "oh well, he looks so distressed" status. shyt, even most dudes would go grab the rifle/shotgun if they saw some big dude knocking on their door at 2:30a.

The only persons trained to react calmly under pressure were the ones that shot him, and even then, only one stupid ass cop pulled the trigger. Stop trying to pull this fake militant shyt and blame all white people for the actions of p*ssy cop. Blame the cop dude.

Don't get me wrong, white people are full of shyt a lot of the time, but this woman in this situation reacted how most women would.
not reading a man tell me (a woman) how a woman should have reacted :snooze:

both the cop & woman overreacted due to racial stereotypes, and it cost a young man his life

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
Can't stand when dudes get on and talk about how people "should have reacted." Picking apart once-in-a-lifetime situations as if people are trained to react in a certain way.

It's easy to say what she "could have done" while sitting at home typing on a keyboard. Truth is, you're dealing with an emotional ass woman answering a door at 2:30am. Very few women, regardless of race, are going to be on some calm, "oh well, he looks so distressed" status. shyt, even most dudes would go grab the rifle/shotgun if they saw some big dude knocking on their door at 2:30a.

The only persons trained to react calmly under pressure were the ones that shot him, and even then, only one stupid ass cop pulled the trigger. Stop trying to pull this fake militant shyt and blame all white people for the actions of p*ssy cop. Blame the cop dude.

Don't get me wrong, white people are full of shyt a lot of the time, but this woman in this situation reacted how most women would.

I actually kinda agree with you.

When I was a kid, this chick knocked on our door at like 3am, screaming and crying about how some dude was gonna kill her, and my mother like came to the door and this chick was begging and pleading for my mother to let her in, and my mother was like, "Nah, I can't let you in", and the broad straight said, "I'm White, you can let me in"

My mama was like, "I don't care what you are, I aint letting you in" and called the police and went back to bed.

I could only imagine how she would've reacted if it was some big ass dude "yelling and screaming" at the door.

Most people aren't equipped for that type of bullshyt.

The police are supposed to be. If they shot the dude, they and they alone should be to blame for that shyt, because even if the chick was a Klan member, the police should've had the common sense to look at his distressed manner and see he was hurt and reacted in the right way.

Kid McNamara

'97 Mike Bibby
Jan 24, 2013
Freshman Year
I actually kinda agree with you.

When I was a kid, this chick knocked on our door at like 3am, screaming and crying about how some dude was gonna kill her, and my mother like came to the door and this chick was begging and pleading for my mother to let her in, and my mother was like, "Nah, I can't let you in", and the broad straight said, "I'm White, you can let me in"

My mama was like, "I don't care what you are, I aint letting you in" and called the police and went back to bed.

I could only imagine how she would've reacted if it was some big ass dude "yelling and screaming" at the door.

Most people aren't equipped for that type of bullshyt.

The police are supposed to be. If they shot the dude, they and they alone should be to blame for that shyt, because even if the chick was a Klan member, the police should've had the common sense to look at his distressed manner and see he was hurt and reacted in the right way.

Dogg, same thing happened when I was like 11 or 12. Was spending the night at my grandparents and this drunk cat came knocking on our back door at like 2:00a on New Years. I was probably 6'1" at the time and my brother was a 6'7" D1 athlete. Gramps was in bed, grandmoms was up watching Forrest Gump with us.

Drunk white dude came with that heavy ass knocking and my grandmoms was like, "y'all ain't opening that door." We like, "yo, what do you need, who are you" and grandmoms said, "naw, don't talk to this dude, I'll call the police and they can sort it out."

She wasn't even really scared, she just realized that dude didn't need to come in the house and that the police are trained to handle situations like that.

But young, if she had been home alone and the same thing happened. :ohhh:

She would've been on the phone, like, "get these motherfukkers out here NOW!" No one got time to be sorting out their thoughts, checking for prejudice.

My man Patrice O'Neal had a great joke about this. In situations like that, I'd rather be prejudice and alive than tolerant and dead.

"Get home, feel guilty, but be alive."
