Chaos - The Album
Nikka what?
Raise boys to be men and raise girls to be girls. Its really that simple. Now if this kid was 15 saying he wants to wear dresses than we can have a valid conversation. But this is striaght up liberal indoctrination of children.
Evidently it's not that simple. As much as Charlize might be a c*nt forcing her kid into this, theres plenty of confirmed real life cases of kids who said they were something else as children and maintained that into adulthood.
Theres also kids who change their minds which is obviously a problem if you go the operation route before the kid hits puberty.
But who gives a shyt if the kid wants to wear a dress at age 7, it's either a phase they'll grow out of, or it's not and you haven't given them even more mental issues to deal with as an adult.
Plus the idea of 'gender' is a horseshyt social construct. Theres sex - male or female and everything else is nonsense. Wear dresses, have operations etc but the only thing that's ultimately true is your chromosomes.