To be honest, this really had me soo upset. This little boy never had a chance. I really wish people with influence would speak out against this. Before the age of 13-14 no parent should be instilling the opposite gender identity on their child. If your child biological sex is a male you should raise that child as a male by the simple fact that there is a 98% chance he will identify as a male when he gets older. This is just basic common sense. Children do not have a full understanding of gender, so why would you allow your child to assume the opposite gender when he does not understands gender identity?
This is the problem when we live in countries with freedom like we do in the U.S.... People will say its a free country, Parents are allowed to raise their children as they please. But at someone point this will do more harm than good to that child. Most children who says they are transgender by the time they become a teenager or an adult regret that decision. Here is the research that shows this information...
Sexology Today!: Do trans- kids stay trans- when they grow up?
Even the LGBT realizes this however, they have gone pass looking for equal rights and treatment into now trying to indoctrinate society into these inaccurate parental care ideas...