Tide Run This
It is and when some serious shyt goes down racially they just cop please and make it seem shyt is sweet so fukk them.
It's painful watching Barkley and screaming A talk down to black folks when some bs go doen
It is and when some serious shyt goes down racially they just cop please and make it seem shyt is sweet so fukk them.
Good thing I skipped the pre game
Smart man. TNT use to be decent when it came to serious issues. But over the laat 3 to 4 years they have really jumped the ship. Folks up top really pulling these strings.
Smart man. TNT use to be decent when it came to serious issues. But over the laat 3 to 4 years they have really jumped the ship. Folks up top really pulling these strings.
it never used to be decent when covering serious issues. You just got less dumb
It's painful watching Barkley and screaming A talk down to black folks when some bs go doen
Same here. Only heard about this through here.After that bullshyt c00ning shyt with Jim Brown, I promised to never watch a TNT game or pre-show an I've kept my word