harden’s numbers are inflated because he had the ball a historic amount of time... let’s also not forget harden is a routine choker in the playoffs
his defense is not that great but he’s surely better than kyrie who is absolutely terrible... kyrie’s last playoffs in Boston he was absolutely terrible as well
If they could trade kyrie and do harden and Durant and surround them with talent I’d be a lot more scared of Brooklyn than if they have a kyrie harden Durant big 3
until the playoffs when he plays anyone other than utah or minnesotaIdc about stats, I care more about skillset. Harden can shoot, facilitate, iso and is a decent defender.
Come to MIA lopez
I think this was a wink wink deal with Milwaukee. If he would’ve picked up His option the Bucks mid level would’ve only been $5.7M. But since he opted out they get the full $9M mid level exception. They’ll use that on a feee agent and then sign Lopez to a vet min. deal.
I think this was a wink wink deal with Milwaukee. If he would’ve picked up His option the Bucks mid level would’ve only been $5.7M. But since he opted out they get the full $9M mid level exception. They’ll use that on a feee agent and then sign Lopez to a vet min. deal.