Mikael Blowpiff
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Champagne Sharks
Preview Clip of Bonus Episode CS 013: Why The Word ****** Is So Powerful (07/12/2017)
Direct Download link: http://media.blubrry.com/champagnesharks/p/content.blubrry.com/champagnesharks/013_Preview_7_16_17_1_20_PM.mp3
Champagne SharksExpanding on an insight from Neely Fuller, Jr. regarding why the word "******" has the power it does.
#Race #Racism #****** #Watermelon #Fried Chicken #Nelly Fuller
CS 014: Shame, Guilt, ******, Race Science
Direct Download link: http://media.blubrry.com/champagnesharks/p/content.blubrry.com/champagnesharks/CS014.mp3
Books challenging genetic determinism mentioned in this episode:
The Dependent Gene by David S. Moore amzn.to/2uxJ2AO
The Trouble with Twin Studies: A Reassessment of Twin Research in the Social and Behavioral Sciences by Jay Joseph amzn.to/2v6XtZE
The Gene Illusion - Genetic Research in Psychiatry and Psychology Under the Microscope by Jay Joseph amzn.to/2usEYkv
The Missing Gene: Psychiatry, Heredity, And the Fruitless Search for Genes by Jay Joseph amzn.to/2tusS6j
Monkeyluv by Robert Sapolsky amzn.to/2vrbVuP
#Podcast #Eugenics #Genetics #****** #Race #Racism #Science
This is a preview of a longer bonus premium episode. To access the full episode as well as get access to all older bonus premium episodes, subscribe for only $5/month (a measly $1.25 per episode!) over at patreon.com/champagnesharks.
Recently Wal-Mart got in trouble for describing the color of a product on their website as “******-Brown.” In this episode I wanted to go into why exactly so many people are doing so much racist spontaneous acting out and how it relates to the alt-right’s obsession with “free speech.”
Discussed in this episode:
The movie clip that starts off the episode is from the 1974 movie Trick Baby, based on Iceberg Slim’s book of the same name: www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pQ-YPjasGc
Breakdown of Wal-Mart’s ******-Brown Snafu: www.vibe.com/2017/07/walmart-n-brown-wig-cap/
Post-Traumatic Slave Syndrome by Joy DeGruy
The book: amzn.to/2uAhF8l
The video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFm93vMPUZw
That video link is especially a good video for elaborating on my points from this episode about how and why it’s psychically necessary for white sanity that black people remain some level of subhuman status in a system of white supremacy. I highly recommend watching the linked video or reading the linked book to get the most of this episode.
#Alt-Right #****** #Podcast #Race #Racism
Chopping it up with D. Mills (twitter.com/mdmills79) and Mike (twitter.com/blackexception1) about Black people chasing White definitions of success.
Articles, Books and Movies Mentioned:
- The Story Behind Jared Kushner’s Curious Acceptance into Harvard by Daniel Golden (www.propublica.org/article/the-sto…ce-into-harvard)
- The Farce of Meritocracy: Why Legacy Admissions Might Actually Be A Good Thing by Josh Freedman (www.forbes.com/sites/joshfreedma…ing/#46ea20330125)
- Black Longshoremen and the Fight for Equality in an ‘Anti-racist’ Union by Jake Alimahomed-Wilson (www.thecyberhood.net/documents/papers/long.pdf)
- Spook Who Sat by the Door (The Book) by Sam Greenlee (amzn.to/2gYG1mW)
- Spook Who Sat by the Door (The Movie) (amzn.to/2vDw9CA)
#Coding #Race #Racism #STEM
This is a preview of a longer bonus premium episode. To access the full episode as well as get access to all older bonus premium episodes, subscribe for only $5/month (a measly $1.25 per episode!) over at patreon.com/champagnesharks.
This week I discuss the psychodynamics of a recent false rape accusation by a white college student against two black athletes, and how it ties into the history of America and the fears of white supremacist men.
Articles mentioned:
- Police Say Woman Lied About Rape By College Football Player And Other Man by Ron dikker www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/woman-a…060480e05b177
- Teen Charged With Lying About Being Raped by College Football Players by Joshua Rhett Miller nypost.com/2017/02/22/teen-cha…e-football-players/
Book mentioned:
- White Men, Black Women by Martha Hodes amzn.to/2eNhTmK
#Rape #Race #Black #Men #White #Women #Nikki #Yovino
If you're interested in asking questions that may eventually be featured, go to curiouscat.me/ChampagneSharks.
Book mentioned this episode:
The Victims of Democracy: Malcolm X and the Black Revolution by Eugene Victor Wolfenstein amzn.to/2w1A3Ev
#Podcast #Moonlight #OscarsSoWhite #Race #Racism #Black #Tyler Perry #Louis Farrakhan #Malcolm X #Listener Questions
This is a preview of a longer bonus premium episode. To access the full episode as well as get access to all older bonus premium episodes, subscribe for only $5/month over at patreon.com/champagnesharks.
Doc Ock (@OckyJ83 on Twitter) joins me today and we talk about the group of people in media and online who we refer to as Representation Matters Twitter and some of their favorite shows and movies, like Dope, Moonlight, and Insecure.
Article and Video Mentioned:
I’ve Been Insecure About Not Loving ‘Insecure’, But I Realize It’s So Much More Than That by Ezinne Ukoha nilegirl/https://medium.com/@nilegirl/ive-been-insecure-about-not-loving-insecure-but-i-realize-it-s-so-much-more-than-that-a2acb15c59a8
Yvette Carnell on Issa Rae: www.youtube.com/watch?v=0N7nmXrg0xY
#Issa Rae #Diversity #Insecure #Moonlight #Dope #Podcast
Ricky has on Ocky as a guest on his latest bonus episode:
He got Dr TJC.![]()
Today D. Mills (twitter.com/mdmills79) and I talk with Dr. Tommy Curry (twitter.com/drtjc) on the need for black male studies in academia and the media. Dr. Curry has also been in the news recently for a controversy he's been embroiled in thanks to a witch hunt started by conservative white supremacist Rod Dreher.
Discussion Materials:
Dr. Curry's book The Man-Not: Race, Class, Genre, and the Dilemmas of Black Manhood amzn.to/2wj8YwS
Dr. Curry's Academia.edu page where you can find his academic papers: tamu.academia.edu/TommyCurry
The Chronicle article about the Curry/Dreher/TAMU controvery: www.chronicle.com/article/who-s-le…pPakJvMFNDWW1qbw
Contested Memories: A Critical Analysis of the Black Feminist Revisionist History Project by Valethia Watkins, Ph.D., J.D. www.jpanafrican.org/docs/vol9no4/Ju…-17-Watkins.pdf
#Podcast #Tommy Curry #Race #Racism #Rod Dreher #Intersectional #Intersectionality