What if Nap was the real owner of the coli

Your race isn’t personal info.you’re asking me what my mentality was 10 years ago about how I shared personal info on this site.
I’ve posted more proof than anyone on this forum, that I’m black.
Nah... I'm not IndianOk. let’s see your hand?
Post a pic
Ok the coli not believing u. You got any black products at home? Du rag, Afro pick, cream of nature shampoo, shea butter? Hair brush? Wave grease?Sure.
yes. I post this shyt regularly.Ok the coli not believing u. You got any black products at home? Du rag, Afro pick, cream of nature shampoo, shea butter? Hair brush? Wave grease?
I think he's certified @The Coli
Brehdeesh. we don't care if you're indian. I've known some cool indians in my time.
My question is how do you operate on just 4 hours of sleep?
I’ve posted more proof than anyone on this forum, that I’m black.
Something 100% up.People have posted their faces on here, I'm verified, @getmoney310cpt made a whole video
speak the timing of your posts