Lets take this apart step by step.
This is not a progressive idea at all... it actually came from the right wing Heritage Foundation. I get tired of explaining this to people but Mitt Romney implemented this in his own state, and this legislation forces you to buy insurance, which enriches the already parasitic healthcare providers.
These are two social issues that would have been done by a moderate Republican. There are plenty of Republicans who support these things and these are not "progressive" specifically. It just goes to show how far right the spectrum has shifted if those two social issues are progressive and not the mainstream, according to you.
He did not exactly... the top tax rate is what it was during the Clinton Era... so yes he may have raised it from the historically low Bush Jr. Era... it could easily be framed as a "restoration". Furthermore, he actually cut taxes on the middle class, making the unsustainable Bush rates permanent. He also plans on cutting corporate taxes.
I'm surprised this is even a political issue. In any other country this would be a non issue and just goes to show you how far right wing America has gone politically. NOT progressive.
Women should get equal pay for equal work, signed, your friend, the rest of the developed world
The softest piece of regulation on earth... it actually does not prevent ANY OF THE OLD PRACTICES which lead to the crash. The so called "Volker-Rule" was so watered down that Mr. Volker asked to have his name taken off of it. The financial services industry has not stopped the risky derivatives trading and toxic asset bundling that ruined the economy a few years ago and they are just as over-leveraged as before. So this is NOT progressive whatsoever.