Then you get mad when I attribute it to lack of experience. The Democratic Party decided not to go too far with it because they're scared of losing the majority and they don't want to set up something that could hurt them when they were in the minority. "It's because they're working together." No, I was working on the Hill, we were certainly not all working together. The Democrats did fillibuster Bush shyt after they gained control in 2006. I'm sure you can go google instances of things you disagree with that they didn't, but to pretend that they didn't use it is just flat out being uninformed.
The Democratic Party is NOT a wholly progressive party. They gave up on that when they kept losing on that in national elections. They became center-left under Clinton and often govern center right and Republicans moved even further to the right. The Democratic Party controlled both branches of the Congress by becoming a big tent party, it has progressive wings and a liberal base but it is not those progressive politicians that are winning in VA, NC, MO, and places like that. You should be questioning the efficacy of the Democratic Party for a progressive.
This dude can't even get a vote on smaller ammunition rounds and somehow he's supposed to be able to push through some greater progressive legislation unencumbered.
No amount of selling to the American public will get Republicans to budge because they know that they have the map redistricted and have next to no chance of losing the House if they didn't lose it with O's name on the ballot and can probably take the Senate. More importantly, in their individual districts, it is more popular to oppose Obama than support him. They are not in danger. He's realized that he will probably be stuck with these guys and the only way to do some good is to acquiesce in other areas. He just fought with them and went down in the polls for it.
NOW, with that said, it was always obvious that this CPI was coming, Republicans refused to come to the table without it. What we're going to get is a stalemate because the Sanders' of the world will not allow it, and good on him for doing so. I wouldn't let that shyt in either and it's really selling out a lot of the people that came out to vote for Obama so until we see these "protections" for the less fortunate it's in
with that shyt. Understand that I'm siding with Sanders, but saying that I fully understand Obama's position.