Cena was Rejected for MCU, Deadpool 2, Shazam Roles

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
It feels like y'all are arguing that Cena shouldn't get a role because y'all don't like him, rather than just looking at the character's he could realistically play like the rest of us.

I don't like Cena either really, but there's more than enough roles out there for him and he'd likely do a good job.

Would I rather Tom Cruise or Chris Tucker get a role over John Cena? Absolutely, but there's future roles for him in the MCU, like it or not :yeshrug:

yeah, i know he's backdoored his way into the perfect role in DC, but i was just saying, he could have been one of those Superman archetype marvel characters. He could have easily play 2nd fiddle to Thor since Hyperion and Thor was friends at some point in the comics. Just not carry a movie as the lead.

Cena did not have the acting chops.
To originally be cast as sandman. Yet we already have the perfect sandman. Plus that leads to far into being phoney.
Yet even that is a stretch. By recasting cena as sandman leads face first into phoney as well.
I said cena could at best be solo.
Plus a conflict of interest now cena is peacemaker.
Cena in a marvel role is just a stretch.
He does not have the face structure.
of anyone of the central heroes in marvel.
As a matter of fact.
He could super shredder a marvel movie.
with awfulness as well if he was in marvel.

He works in dc because wb is phoney spam misappropriation gone off the rails wrong. Rivaling wwf levels of the very beginnings of phoney.
Leading into bad humor and not viewed as comedy. That cena works in the casting of dc movies. The only reason batista works as drax.
Similarly is also a tongue in cheek parody of a comic ideal as well. Which for this gen we can trace back to the incredible casting of macho as bonesaw. Yet batista drax only works because marvel has been scaled down in its heavy weight draws from delving in phoneh bullshyt. Whereas drax in the comics.
after a certain point is a serious gone off the rails wrong character. As well as guardians of the galaxy. Which is why batista works in the comedic relief guardians of the galaxy was funded and filmed to be. Yet outside of that marvel delves in social humor within the pocket of conflict. Whereas dc never really has nailed understanding anything in a drawing scope. The entire time i have been alive. Dating back to sixties era batman being the genesis of phoney.

In that cena works as a dc villain turned bad. As cena fits into a misappropriated to the point of no return ideal as a cast and indie contractor and brand. Seeing as cena is a what if hulk Hogan was from the eastern seaboard in the late nineties turn of thr century parody pushed beyond thw point of no return from phoney bad. That rivals hulk hogan orange goblin levels of oversaturated phoney as well
In that whole juan cener slash cena meets hulkkk hollea hogan as the orange goblin level of over saturated phoney comparison.
Making dc the perfect landing spot.
for cena as peacemaker.
As cena ramping in acting chops.
Should have a role.
That equals in some parody sense.
The iconic original us title spinner.
Slash meets the over processed overproduced phoney.
of the wwe spinner title gon wrong.
Meets captain america lead villain psychopathic parody of a superhero villain hero gone good.
Where a cena dcu film hiring.
leads face first into the preposterous ideal.
of what level and type of independent contractor based brand john cena is.
In that john cena does nOt atypically fit in that same ideal in the mcu.

As mcu characters are not welled in the low drawing phoney bullshyt.
Plus when any marvel anything is poured wrongly into that frame work.
It fails in every realm of visual to contextual convincability.
To the point it cpuld csuse cataclysmic immediate cliff bailed falling based failings of any and everything marvel.

that dc slash garvage vertigo and warner are all about.
In that is why cena is not a fit for marvel at all.

Plus dually why batista being drax is a one time mcu wrassler hire.
While also doubling as a distinctly unique and singular.

In other words....
Cena is too associated with phoney from oversaturation. To work as a mcu hero or villain.

I liken cena being in the mcu.
The same as being a brian cage fan.
Until i saw brain cage as a he-man.
Then not feeling any wrassler is capable of being he-man. Same thing with cena. Cena is just to phoney of a construct. To get over the oversaturated wwe phoney factor. To take seriously in a marvel movie. Case in point.

The weak wack casting in eternals.
Any person who is trained at a real comic school.
Will and easily should point this out.

I am an actual marwen marvel and indie pedigreed schooled trained tutored pupil of nieves and Dwyer.

Cena does not fit in the mcu at all.

Especially after eternals.
Proved you have to perfectly envision.
by the comic book code and cast the mcu.

The mcu is not a vertigo dc warner construct of phoney bullshyt.

The mcu although owned by that phoney oversaturated bicepless emasculated gelding made mouse at disney.
Disney hopefully learned the lesson that if you try that ohoney bullsbit with any marvel anything. You will fail. As rhe mcu is marvel.

Not dc.
Not vertigo.
Not warner.

The mcu is marvel.

Art Barr

If you miscast someone from
Before That matter to a main character being

Other than a force of solo with cena in the role.
It is a stretch for cena in a marvel role.
It is a stretch for cena in an image role.
This peacemaker role is perfect for him.

Art Barr
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Norrin Radd

To me, my board!
Jun 9, 2013
:ohhh: Cena would've been a good Captain Marvel, imo. He has good comedic timing, they wouldn't need a muscle suit, and the action scenes would be better
We could’ve got that Thrice In A Lifetime match on the big screen



Mar 10, 2014
I know Triple H must be salty knowing that 3 of his contemporaries made it in Hollywood and he couldnt lol
That is because like Scott Steiner once said, Triple H is Kevin Federline of professional wrestling. He made it by banging his bosses daughter.

Triple H has no talent to be an actor, he had no talent to cut great WWE promos. What movies was he in....the shytty Blade Trinity where Snipes hated the entire supporting cast? :mjlol:

2 Up 2 Down

May 4, 2012
He’s too robotic and serious. Zach played it well; has that boy charm and kid like personality. Cena couldn’t pull it off as good as Zach.
That's where they (DC) has fukked the character up. The Wisdom of Solomon keeps him from acting like little Billy Batson while he is Captain Marvel. The Power of Shazam series from the 90s is where you'll see the character done right.
But from what I seen from Peacemaker I don't see your complaint about Cena


May 7, 2012
West where the Sunsets
That's where they (DC) has fukked the character up. The Wisdom of Solomon keeps him from acting like little Billy Batson while he is Captain Marvel. The Power of Shazam series from the 90s is where you'll see the character done right.
But from what I seen from Peacemaker I don't see your complaint about Cena
Wouldn’t be the first time something was changed. :manny: