So you tried to make it seem that Africans and Carribeans were some banana boat nikkas.

I told you most immigrants fly here, meaning they have money of some sort. They then either lawfully become citizens or just stay here as illegals. Do you know who 21savage is? The Brit with a doctor for a father?
You then displayed you don't know what an immigrant is, and you started talking about travelers
You really aren't smart at all. Seriously, you might be the dumbest nikka I've ever seen on a message board. No lie, honest to God.
Most people who came from other countries especially in the late 70s, 80's and 90's didn't have much when they came. Parents or family chipped in to get them to America which in return they could go to school and eventually, ie sooner than later help provide for the family. Depending on your what, when and how, America it's self can be an investment and many nations across the world at some point, maybe not anymore saw America as a place that would give them a ROI.
Many Indians, Asians, and Africans came here with nothing other than the scraps they were given and hustled their way through school with a job or two. Like I said, no anymore. The labor laws have massively changed since the 1990s. Add to that, a lot of corporations were hiring immigrants (illegal/green card or newfound Americans unless they were white.) So many of their children who were born here had nothing. They had the bare essentials and that was all they could afford.
In some cases, eventually they made money, in some cases well a lot for many Africans, they never did but what they did was live through their children. They had extremely high expectations academically and many succeeded. So when you talk the way you are talking, it is extremely disrespectful to the many who I know didn't have that tale to share. Like I said, you listen to Yvette and Tone and they will talk like Africans who are here have it all figured out. When most of us was growing up, we knew that wasn't the case.
But now that we have guys like the wave, elle and many others who have had success, it's a fukking problem. A lot bytching. A lot of c00ning. A lot of crabbing. We see ados for what it really is. Like
@Mountain said, it's a hate group. fukk em! When I see some of the bullshyt I see here. I can't help but agree.
I was a net neutral nikka. Roots in Louisiana and Africa. I was always different. My Louisiana side for example: All my cousins dark, I'm light. Most short, am tall. We had something in common. We all could fight, run and were smart.
My Nigerian side was different too. Not as cultural as you think but you know they want the best for their kid. Since education was stressed on both sides, being a great student was expected from my mother and father. I didn't have the African daddy that was like homework or die but I had the one always calling teacher, coming into the school, buying everybody shyt, and beating my ass for acting up or getting in trouble which was usual for me. Smart mouth kids and 8 hours classroom sessions didn't do me any good.
That said, I learned a lot from both sides. My grandmother was a warrior on both sides. My grandmother in Biafia protected my father during the most brutal biafian war where they killed 2 million Blacks like me. If you want to talk holocaust, look no further. So when you tell me we are all Black, I don't be listening which is why I am an moderate Pan African. I understand bridges have to be crossed before change takes place. This is no longer than the 1950s. The world we in has changed. My great-grandfather was a hero. He died protect the community. He was 6'7. Great-GM who I seen right before she died was 6'2. The stories always amaze me. Some sadden me but the stories always stand out. A lot of people didn't make it. The talks about how Nigeria was before the war. Nigeria never been the same since. There was a time the Naira was worth more than the US dollar and made the Chinese Yen look like shyt. Just goes to show you, when the west want to screw you over, they will by any means necessary.
My grandmother, bless her heart, I need to call her soon too but she went through a lot. Fought racism/white supremacy and not with keystokes and an anonymous name. Had the whole Parrish is Louisiana like

The heart of a warrior. No one talks to grandma about anything important, just bullshyt. It's like, no one wants to know shyt. Just me. I can speak with her for days. The things I know, my mom didn't even know. It's like, if it ain't said, we ain't talking. I just don't get it but she was a warrior. My g-pa, rest his soul, was a worker. Worked hard hours and many nights. Provided for his lot of kids. Special man. Had a sister who married a judge. Daughter did big things. A number of NBA superstars are my cousins by blood. I didn't get their talent but maybe my kid does.
Why I am sharing this? You don't know my story or my history. You don't know none of these people story or their history. I don't even know yours. So why are you so hateful to another man or woman you don't even know. Why? I want you to do some serious soul searching. Find that beautiful place in your heart called humanity that just wants a chance. A fair fukking shake. Find that and I'll promise, you will find you in the process. Just listen to your own story.
God bless.