Lefty Gunz
I bought the dvd of this 10 years ago for like 10 dollars
Hes still a savage
WWF in the late 90s was the fukking the shyt if you where a kid
They merchandised Austin on everything , my cousin had like a Steve Austin toy? That connected to the computer
I also had like a stand up Steve Austin fighting balloon thingy , I gave it a tombstone and it broke
Damn wrestling your friends in the backyard was the shyt too especially when u had the toy belts
The feels![]()
I remember asking for this when I saw JR and King promote it during an episode of Raw is War around Christmas 99
Unwrapping this and a Dreamcast that Christmas
I'm suprised they never revisited this Internet supported toy concept when The Rock was the top guy in 2000 or even now that most of the world is connected to the Internet versus in 99. The soundbites for The Rock were endless![]()
Neveryouve never seen this before?!!!
Austin had me dying with some of the things he said on there -
Austin: And out of this video, if you're lookin for someone runnin around dancin to a bunch of sparklers and music, YOU BOUGHT THE WRONG DAMN VIDEO.
(watching a Brian Pillman segment)
Austin:Tell me this guy don't need his ass whipped.
(shytting on Hogan)
Austin: And I follow it up with my world-famous impression of the BIGGEST PIECE OF TRASH I ever laid my eyes on.And if he were here in person, I'd open up a can of whoop-ass, shove it down his throat, and kick him right square in the ass as he went out the door, AND THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE!
at the credits at the end
WWF Cause Stone Cold Said So (1998)
12 minutes in and Austin is already mouthing off and harassing the staff.