Never thought about it but you're right. Don't get me wrong I still like Casino but none of the characters were likeable. When Tommy Died in Goodfellas you felt bad. At the end when Henry turned states you felt bad for everyone, you were sad to see it end up that way.
Goodfellas and it's not even close.
While good I've always felt Casino was overrated.
word, i like casino too, but it's kind of strange how no one in the movie has that classic protagonist vibe. makes it an interesting andfilm at the same time
No one is really a protagonist in Godfather or Goodfellas either. They're all crooks and killers but the fans just like cheering them on.
Protagonist? He's an accessory to killing and robbery every single portion of his adult life. He's a 100%'s just told from his POV and giving you the insider's look on a crew out east. He's not someone with who "the audience identifies" with. No crime depicted picture ever has been. This isn't Heat.
That's what makes him the protagonist, he's the central character of that narrative. Has nothing to do with how important he is or if the audience can identify with him.
A Protagonist is NOT the same thing as a Hero.
Oh I know..tell me this..who's the flip to it? Paulie or the FBI...who do you think it is?
Henry is clearly the protagonist in Goodfellas. A character doesn't have to be a hero or even a decent human being in order to be the protagonist. The Protagonist is just the main character of the narrative.
Same goes for the Antagonist of a story, they can be good or evil, they just have to represent an obstacle of some sort for the lead character.