I think she killed and ate the baby
They still have the food truck place is Semmes?
I took these yesterday
The 1st picture is her car, second pic is people in the woods searching for her.
My nikka you see certified crazy…crazier than that nikka who yoked up the dyke on the busWhen you wanna kidnap yourself...1st thing you do is not change up any patterns.
If you lift weights 5 days a week. Lift weights 5 days a week. Choose to be kidnapped on 1 of the days you workout or after you leave a gym session.
If you gonna stage your kidnapping in a public area, avoid the malls, movies, and visible public areas.
Don't tell nobody your plans. You want people cover for you. It's hard to get people who don't lie professionally to look honest when they are lying. You need Vouchers and your Vouchers must stay in the dark to be believable.
Leave all personal belongings behind. Including your diary, keys, purse/wallet, and cellphone. Kidnappers don't bring your items with them. No point esp if I'm selling you into xes trafficking. Your name won't matter or identity...and you damn sure won't need a cellphone when getting abducted. Plus cellphones give ya location up easy and it don't take much for law enforcement to triangulate your location.
Don't make your abduction racial or gender focused. These are hot triggers that will instantly get people to focus on your story for holes.
When it's time to reappear after your vacation or mental health episode. As soon as you are visible to the public..ASAP you act distraught, dazed and jumpy. Kudos if you appear naked and dirty.
If you really wanna be a good liar...days, weeks or even a month before you disappear, create a crazed stalker. My stalker's name is Naomi Rose Marie Boutte. She is brown skin, 5 ft 6 right handed and has a Texan accent. She is a 36 DDD has big teeth and a lisp. Keep the hairstyle to what is in style. So she wore a lacefront wig. You keep a paper trail of reporting incidents...randomly call the police that you have a crazed individual that won't leave your place. In fact find a youtube video of a woman ranting about anything in an angry voice and play in the background of the 911 call.
Keep Benedryl on you too. Take 5 pills at once to appear weak and frail and drowsy. They like to see you weak and frail. And you can always avoid blood work. Esp if you wasn't xesually assaulted. But appearing drugged up also keeps the heat off of you that your abduction was staged.
For good measure make sure you are bruised up and bleeding somewhere. You escaped...make it look like it. Hell...roll around on the ground and get dirt in your hair and in your mouth. Split your lip. Rub fresh grass blades on your face to invite a subtle itch so you can fidget and scratch as you walk home naked, drugged up, bloody and delirious.
And lastly..never involve these things:
White children
White women
These are hot items that will have Navy Seal Team 6 on the police force hunting and looking for you and the assailants.
I hope she is found alive & safe. And if she is i dont wanna hear 'please respect our privacy."
They better let us know what happened
Russell’s mother, Talitha Robinson, asked that people respect their privacy
I'm sorry but her faking to be sleep while the cops question her has me weak..The scanner audio from the Ambulance pickup stated that she was breathing but "unresponsive"... and took her to UAB.
This idiot was playing possum at the obviously wrong time after she walked just fine home.
Too many Cheez-Itz I guess.
Not on my watchI know you brothers ain’t in here romanticizing no damn Alabama.
I'm happy for you breh, but that doesn't erase the disenfranchisement, poverty, discrimination, and anti-worker/pro employer bs that's gone unchecked for hundreds of yearsBreh. All that shyt on Bama babble went out the ass when my family and I was able to finally get a crib and I was able to get my stomach treatments. Sometimes, the best things are hidden in places with bad stigma![]()
Justice for Juicy!So this was another Bussie Smellit hoax?![]()