Captain Marvel (Official Thread) March 8th 2019: 7th Marvel Film To Cross 1B$


May 20, 2015
Do you think if she refused the role and said she thinks they should cast a diverse actor they would do it?

-Do you think you would you cry for diversity when the thought of giving up your role didnt even cross your mind?

-Would you say " A wrinkle in time was a Love Letter to black women" cry diversity but keep your white role while taking food out of a black families mouth? If she was so concerned fake virtue signals and pandering wont help

this role could of been vital for a black women and she sounds like a hypocrite to me but hey support white feminism brehs because that benefits us black men because you know simp logic

you simp c00ns and bedwenches keep supporting your demise.

what you eat dont make me shyt breh do you



Jun 6, 2012
New York
-Do you think you would you cry for diversity when the thought of giving up your role didnt even cross your mind?

-Would you say " A wrinkle in time was a Love Letter to black women" cry diversity but keep your white role while taking food out of a black families mouth? If she was so concerned fake virtue signals and pandering wont help

this role could of been vital for a black women and she sounds like a hypocrite to me but hey support white feminism brehs because that benefits us black men because you know simp logic

you simp c00ns and bedwenches keep supporting your demise.

what you eat dont make me shyt breh do you

Dude she's an actress not a casting director. She has no say who would get the role if she turned it down. It would be just a different white lady.
What did she say about diversity exactly that makes her a hypocrite?

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Also to a couple of cats on some “y’all trying so hard” shyt.

For some cats trying so hard, have y’all noticed we been keeping this shyt cordial and civil. No one going into deep petty Trump like name calling, disrespectful attacking, whining to the mods cuz y’all dont like what we apparently like, or just any type of real negativity and beef?

Everything for the most part been respectful discussions and conversations

I just feel like that should be pointed out and commended. No one getting attacked for feeling how they feel and speaking out on it.

Recognize “THIS” example being set


Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Dude she's an actress not a casting director. She has no say who would get the role if she turned it down. It would be just a different white lady.
What did she say about diversity exactly that makes her a hypocrite?

There’s some juelzing going on with that post too.

Ok now this role could’ve been vital for black women, but not to long ago.

This is a character/movie no one cared about and asked for, its not popular and failed in comics to the few people that actually still by comics.

So how is a “failed property” no one wants so vital?:dwillhuh:

I’m just trynna understand :russ:

Jun 24, 2012

1 - When you say “no one” I’m taking that as casuals and I’m not denying that. Hell I didn’t know that who she was either and I’m an little more knowledgeable than a typical casual. But I also didn’t know who the Guardians were, I didn’t know who IronFist was, I didn’t know who Jessica Jones was, I didn’t know who Mr. Terrific was, Black Lightning, anyone in SS, and etc. But what’s that gotta do with anything when at the end of the day all these companies been open about trying to educate and introduce people to their other character instead of constantly recycling and redoing the main 8 that are more global?

2 - Am I really trying to hard to justify it or are you trying too hard to shyt on it. DD was established, but so is Electra. Still they didn’t do well no one was exactly asking for them and yet they came back. Not sure what we doing here.

3 - We kinda need to not dwell on who is/was known and not known. We over a decade deep in this, all sides have been and will continue to bring to the surface things that aren’t known and new for the simple fact to create new fanbases and do new stories or even possibly tell the same stories but in new ways.

I have NO idea who the Eternals and New Gods are. And Casual people who are even less on top of this than you and I don’t know them either. But I’m sure as we get closer to it, things will be done to educate everyone and create interest.

That’s just the way it goes with EVERYTHING.

We can’t sit here and accuse these studios of not taking chances then when they do, minimize and shyt on them for taking chances. Also this a new millennium and new era, we can’t just continue to ride the wave of like the same 8 major characters, like what was done from basically Superman to Spider-Man.

fukk it, the more the merrier, if Marvel announced today they gonna finally do a fukking Squirrel Girl movie and DC said they finna do a Zatanna movie, movies of characters I’m not really 100% knowledgeable of nor did I ask for them. At worst, I’d jusr follow the wave they gonna put out to educate us on them leading up to a trailer and then just make a decision from there


1. You truly arent in tune with much of anything. Ironfist was established in animated tv series and movies way before netflix show.You naming secondary and minor characters that would never get a major film or carry the weight for one.

2. Actually people wanted a real daredevil film after 2003 wack shyt.They also admitted a remake to make up from it...

David Slade Directing Daredevil Remake

Daredevil Reboot Confirmed | ScreenRant

3. I dont think they will get passed Cosmos Gods cause again no one is that interested in characters they were allowed to introduce to in the movies.

4. Doubt they would invest in those characters you claim.


May 20, 2015
Dude she's an actress not a casting director. She has no say who would get the role if she turned it down. It would be just a different white lady.
What did she say about diversity exactly that makes her a hypocrite?
"a 40 year old white male wasnt suppose to get a Wrinkle in Time"
" I dont want white men reviewing my movies"
"a wrinkle in time was a love letter written to black women"
lets brake this down
so she says a wrinkle in time was a love letter to black women cries for more diversity in Hollywood all while taking a possible black role from a black women.

That is hypocritical as fukk my breh.

the fact hollyweird WOULD give the role to a sister or not is another discussion.

also replace "white " with "black" and say what i wrote in quotes before out loud

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
1. You truly arent in tune with much of anything. Ironfist was established in animated tv series and movies way before netflix show.You naming secondary and minor characters that would never get a major film or carry the weight for one.

2. Actually people wanted a real daredevil film after 2003 wack shyt.They also admitted a remake to make up from it...

David Slade Directing Daredevil Remake

Daredevil Reboot Confirmed | ScreenRant

3. I dont think they will get passed Cosmos Gods cause again no one is that interested in characters they were allowed to introduce to in the movies.

4. Doubt they would invest in those characters you claim.

1 - Which animated series? You mean that same one on DXD with all those other Marvel animated shows? If that’s the case then maybe you haven’t been in tuned but CM been on there too.

Pre 2008 or before IM, damn near all these MCU characters were secondary & minor in comparison to the already established ones. That’s.... I don’t wanna call it asinine, but a senseless empty point.

2 - People were indifferent to DD..... similar to how they feel now about Ghost Rider. Now I want that movie or a 3rd, I liked the 2 Nic Cage ones but not a lot feel the same.

3 - We don’t know what people are intested in until it truly hits the market. Also we gotta see the lead up before that decision can be made. In marketing, that’s kind of your job to do.... create interest.

4 - I was just throwing those out as examples to specific points but you never know. From atleast 2017, I’ve noticed Fiegie been either making hints or responding to questions/comments about Squirrel Girl in MCU..... similar to how he did with BP/CM etc back in phase 1 & 2



Jun 6, 2012
New York
"a 40 year old white male wasnt suppose to get a Wrinkle in Time"
" I dont want white men reviewing my movies"
"a wrinkle in time was a love letter written to black women"
lets brake this down
so she says a wrinkle in time was a love letter to black women cries for more diversity in Hollywood all while taking a possible black role from a black women.

That is hypocritical as fukk my breh.

the fact hollyweird WOULD give the role to a sister or not is another discussion.

also replace "white " with black and say this what i wrote in quotes before out loud
No, it is this discussion and your entire hypocrite charge rests on it. A Black Woman wasn't getting cast. Feige said this movie was going to be about Carol Danvers before one person was cast. So a Black woman was never getting the part regardless of Brie Larson.
I don't have to read things aloud my reading comprehension works fine. But yeah, excluding white men is fine with me. lol

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Captain Marvel also has a black dude love interest

Maybe that’s why she ain’t wanna give that role over to a black woman cuz she knew they would make her a bedwench, giving her a white love interest that wouldn’t go over, plus she wanted or is hoping for the opportunity to work and do love scenes with a black male:troll:

Jun 24, 2012
I'm a fan of whatever I like. I have only seen one preview for Alita. Wasn't/Isn't on my radar. I watch the Marvel Movies because they are on my radar. I grew up with Marvel, and Disney. I don't see the point of your question or what you're eluding to. I have no problem supporting women in any faction or function of life. It's not that serious of a thing. If I want to see a movie, a woman lead is not going to turn me away. It's a movie. Its entertainment. Didn't stop me from watching the last 3 Star Wars. I'm comfortable enough in my own skin to not feel threatened by female empowerment, equality or anything else. It's a movie. A part of a bigger story. I'll either like it and move on or not like it and move on.

You proved my point. Only when a movie about a woman at the forefront is apart of a franchise brand is when you want to talk that "female energy" bull.

I grew up on women in action films( Long Kiss Goodnight, Red Sonja, La Femme Nikkita, Aliens) and legends like Cynthia Rothrock , Michelle Yeoh, Angela Mao, Pam Grier.

You have talking points out of soundbites nothing more.


May 20, 2015
No, it is this discussion and your entire hypocrite charge rests on it. A Black Woman wasn't getting cast. Feige said this movie was going to be about Carol Danvers before one person was cast. So a Black woman was never getting the part regardless of Brie Larson.
I don't have to read things aloud my reading comprehension works fine. But yeah, excluding white men is fine with me. lol

A Castrated male with no father would speak like this you got it breh

you are that much of a c00n that you think they would never cast black women? if thats point of your argument you lost. they could cast who they want to. Brie Larson was the worst choice possible

only c00ns like you would defend a no ass white bytch
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