Atsym Sknyfs
"Last time I trusted someone i lost an eye"
the director of SHIELD is a SKRULL ... he trusted the director lost an eye .. and figured he be the damn director himself.
"Last time I trusted someone i lost an eye"
I think WW was an overrated film but the only way this film does better is if the supporting cast carries it, because I can already tell that Brie will be the least interesting Marvel actress.
Imagine if Carol ended up being the anchor to the X-Men being introduced to the MCU?
That would be dope. Trailer still bland and generic, but that would be great.Imagine if Carol ended up being the anchor to the X-Men being introduced to the MCU?
I have been wanting the sequel to this movie to be an adaptation of Avengers Annual #10 ever since Disney snatched up Fox.Trailer was fine to me. I have to give Marvel credit here because I believe they are on record in saying that this movie would alter Carol's origin a bit, and yet they still pay homage to stuff from the comics.
The whole bit about Carol talking about her memories is straight from Avengers Annual #10 when Carol was reintroduced after being on hiatus for a bit, and was attacked by Rogue resulting in her memories and powers being stolen . Professor X was called in to restore what was left, then Carol hung out with the X-Men for awhile leading to her Binary status.
Imagine if Carol ended up being the anchor to the X-Men being introduced to the MCU?
break the internet huh?Trailer wasn't good.